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John Healy
162 articles

Workshop and display cases and shelves.

January 4, 2016 · in Uncategorized · · 6 · 1.6K

I thought I'd get in the act and share my work space and display set up. In addition to what you see, I have about 150 built models stored in boxes and a stash of 200+ unbuilt. The Spitfire is a sneak peek at my current project. I built the spray booth for under $200 US, including the compressor.

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6 responses

  1. Impressive builds, John...looks as though you may encounter the same 'problem' I do over time...dust. Although at least SOME of yours are encased - NONE of mine are (no room). Nice collection, sir.

    • Hi Craig! Yes sir, the delicate ones are in cases. 65 are in the glass cabintes, about 40 are in the little plastic cases. Big ones and modern jets are on shelves. I do need another case, the Fireflies and Sea Fury should be behind glass.

  2. Nice collection - you've been a busy beaver!

  3. Nice work place

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