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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

Aircraft Group Build, Anyone?

February 2, 2016 · in Aviation · 19 · 1.6K

I enjoy an occasional group build - being forced to build something that wasn't in my current line up of to-build projects. My local club averages 1 group build a year, but thought it would be fun to see if any other aircraft modelers in iModeler would like to give it a go. (I only build aircraft, thus my limited focus on this one...)

I've set up an 4-question online survey to take feedback on the idea, and to pick a subject if anyone is interested. My thought would be that once we get to deadline, we'd pick a date for everyone to individually post their completed project. No contest - just some modeling camaraderie!

Here's the survey link:

I'll wait until after the weekend to see what the interest is. If it's a go, I'll also create a group topic we can all subscribe to just to converse without hitting the headline area - to keep each other appraised of choices selected and progress.

Thanks friends!

Reader reactions:

19 responses

  1. Actually, I never participated in a "group build", but am willing - survey taken.

  2. Done the survey Greg, not too worried.

  3. Good idea, Greg! Survey taken. I'll find something on my stash that should fit any GB subject.

  4. I think in Greg we've discovered the uber-organiser!?

  5. Took the survey, and now I'll await the results

  6. Hi Greg, unfortunately your link doesn't seem to work here in China, but I'm always interested in a group build, even if it is only aircraft!

  7. It has been a while since we had a Group Build here since the BOB GB and the D-day GB we did back in 2013, in fact there are couple of builds still on going for D-day. Which is cool. But it would be great to get another one going. They are fun and will sometimes get you to start an unplanned project.

  8. thanks Greg sounds like a great idea - look forward to the results survey taken

  9. Greg count me in


  10. Folks, if you are reading this comment after 9:30 Central Standard Time, U.S. today, I have reset the survey as I had not set up the ranking question correctly (#3). I have exported the results up to today, but if you already took the survey prior to now, please retake and only answer #3. I private messaged all those who had already responded via comment to this post, but believe there were more who took the survey and didn't respond via comment here. Sorry for my error!

    Again - I'll post the results and set up the group build after the weekend.

  11. I am still working on my Battle of Britain group build entry (and I was the moderator). Still, you cannot have too many GBs. I am down with it.

  12. Hey there Greg, I'm In.
    Look forward to hearing the results.


  13. Re- done the poll Greg.

  14. I can't remember which day I took the survey, but everything looks like it did when I did take it. Fingers crossed!

  15. Done over as requested. I think a what-if group build would be stress free loads of fun...

  16. Looking forward to a 1/144 dual

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