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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

Aircraft Group Build – Survey Says: Phantoms!

February 8, 2016 · in Aviation · · 39 · 2K

I've tabulated the survey results. The top two contenders for the build were the F-4 Phantom and the WWII Japanese fighter/interceptor. The Phantom received one more 1st rank vote, but double the 2nd rank votes, so I'll call that a clear winner!

About half said they only needed 3 months, but the other half asked for 6, so in order to take the pressure off those with other things to do than just modeling, we'll go with 6 months.

Here's how the build will work:

I have set up a 2016 Phantom Group Build in the Groups section. Rather than a series of individual posts, let's just use the single group thread to manage the conversation:

Please post what you've decided to build once you land on a subject. Check back every now and then to post an update and see how others are doing. IF you want to set up a WIP for the project, go ahead, but don't feel you have to - I know several have indicated they don't like doing WIP posts (I'm one of those...). I'll also repost the build guidelines there so it's easier to find.

Details: Any F-4 Phantom II - any scale, any country, any livery. Whatever tickles your fancy! Target date for completion is August 15th - the objective would be that on the weekend of Aug 13/14, we all post our finished builds. If you finish early - hang on to it until the posting date!

By the way, there were lots of good suggestions for future group builds, I could see perhaps starting a new group build every quarter or so! If your favorite didn't make it this time, we'll do more! I only build aircraft so that's my focus, but if some of you auto/boat/sci-fi builders want to launch a separate build - please do! There are some build topics that lend themselves to multiple subjects, and I'd suggest one of those in the near future also.

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

39 responses

  1. This is the Phantom kit I've chosen - thanks for the group build efforts, Greg...(wish there was a way to post pics, not just a link). 🙂,7

  2. Will post over on the Group soon.
    Just checking the stash?

  3. Just started one, why not a second Spook on the bench !

  4. Ok, I'm in. There's a 1/48 Hasegawa "E" model in the pile...

  5. Well, I will just have to go and buy a Phantom, just as soon as I get back from the Congo, lucky I fly out tomorrow morning. I'm in.

  6. Hi Greg

    thanks for inviting me for the group, but Phantom is one of the few models I don't have in my stash yet. I couldn't get my hands in a decent one. So considering the time frame I don't think I'll be able to participate.
    Count on me for the next GB though.
    Good luck!

    • Sorry Paulo - perhaps the next one will include a subject you've got ready to tackle! The next time around I'll do a topic that has wider subject matter so there are more options.

  7. I have to get ready for our show, Greg. Maybe after the show I can get something done and who knows what I can find at the vendor's tables.

  8. I'm backed up on two group builds so a new start would be rough. But ... I've got a Monogram C/D already started with about two months' work on it where I could sit two months on it and pick up after April 15.

  9. Thanks for organising this, Greg, I'm definitely in, I don't have a stash so I'll have to decide what to buy (Craig has already beaten me to one I had my eye on!).

  10. 1/48th Hasegawa JASDF F4E in target tow markings for one of their ACM meets.

  11. Will definitely take part in this build. Will do a Navy bird.

  12. Joined last night, once I finish my C-2 I will start the Academy 1/48 F-4B. I plan on doing VF-111 USS Coral Sea 1972, but rather than the famous 201 Mig killer I will do another jet, perhaps 210 (I have pics and that would be easy using 201 decals!). Gotta liv a Phantom with a sharks mouth!

  13. I was really planning a few Soviet and Brit WW2 projects for this year, but you're tempting me...I suppose I can fit one in OOB by August.

    I'm thinking ANG or Royal Navy.

  14. I,m in! I,ve got two new Academy kits screaming at me from the stash... but I,ve also got a Trumpeter 1/32 F/A-18E needing to be traded for a Tamiya Phantom (preferably an E) at a show next this space...

  15. Hi Greg! Thanks for the inviting. Considerng my lazyness the aug. date will be tight 🙂 this groupisa good excuse to buy some more stuff for my Eduard 1:48 F-4 😀 and do something with it.

  16. I'm in but no Phantom's in the stash, so I'll be on the look out for one.

  17. The only F4:I have is the Corsair. Guess I'll wait till next gb

  18. Well good, now I have an excuse to get another model kit-
    I'll have to shop around for a suitable subject - great!

  19. Ralph, just keep saying "Kits are good" to yourself. Your eyes are getting heavy, give in to the polystyrene force... (cue the spooky music)
    There! Now that wasn't hard, was it?

  20. Can I play ? - Got a 'C' that could hit the bench in about three weeks.

  21. Thanks for the invite Greg! Due to my busy schedule I'm unable to join you folks on the group build. Belated happy New Year, hope it's filled with a lot of good builds.


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