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iModeler Yearbook 2015 – Celebrating diversity (video)

February 5, 2016 · in News · · 18 · 1.3K

Time to do a final editorial roundup of the year 2015, celebrating the diversity of another amazing 12 months at iModeler.

This 3-minute video rewind presents but a small selection from over 1,200 modeling projects posted by iModeler members during the year, but it hopefully gives an overall idea of where we are as a community! · on youtube

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

18 responses

  1. Well done, Martin...a fine selection of builds to jog the memory of we collective modelers.

  2. Very Nice and thanks for posting it.

  3. I'm sure it's great, but I can't see it in China!

  4. Martin,
    Excellent showcase of the members. I feel honored to be associated with all of the members of this site. You have done a magnificent job in bringing us all together.

  5. A lovely summary of the year Martin.
    Thanks for a great site.

  6. Great idea Martin. Another example of creative marketing for the site.

  7. Excellent model, all are good as the selection. Some saw for the first time - the disorder))

  8. Great video, there were a few I somehow missed! Great work everyone!

  9. thanks for posting

  10. it seems like last year was a great one. imodeler always makes me inspired to learn and learn continously and trying to build always better models. thanks for that!

  11. That's quite the cool Martin! I enjoyed it! 🙂

  12. Great video as well as some superb craftsmanship Nice job Martin.

  13. Martin, moving from strength to strength! I can't add anything to what the guys said already. Well done! Can't thank you enough for your continuing efforts.

  14. Thanks everyone for the fine comments, I'm glad that you enjoyed this clip. Yes we had about 20% more models on display than the previous year, and as far as the inspiration is concerned, I'd say mine is boosted!

  15. Martin
    Thank You
    It was great viewing and it sure works for the hobby

  16. Martin - thanks for your contribution to the modeling community world wide! Makes it feel a bit more intimate - love getting to know people across the world by their different passion, focus and skill in the world of scale modeling. It's a fascinating journey!

  17. Many thanks Martin for all your work, great video and a superb site, You are doing very well sire!

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