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Eric Galliers
12 articles

Trumpeter 1/32 A-4G Skyhawk

February 7, 2016 · in Aviation · · 13 · 4.5K

Here is my newly completed of the Royal Australian Navy, 1982.

I built this model as a tribute to my good mate Bruce Chapman who passed away recently. He was a big fan of the Skyhawk and was always talking about how he would have approached the construction of this kit. I have incorporated most of the mods that he suggested (plus a few more!).

I chose to finish this model as one of the aircraft flown by John Bartels during his time in the RAN and in particular during one sortie where he flew a strike mission against a retired ship.


AMS resin Seat, intakes and wheels.
Fisher Zuni rocket pods
Academy MK-82 bombs
Aires cockpit and wheel wells.


Scratchbuilt re-fuelling probe
Modified pylons
Shortened main undercarriage by approx 4 mm
Scratchbuilt launch cable hooks
Various vent pipes added with microtubing
Wiring conduit added to the nose gear
Brake lines and wiring added to the main undercarriage
horizontal stabilizers re-positioned along with the hole between them cut.
various sight gauges added to the fuselage
All vortex generators thinned.


Custom mixes of Gunze Sangyo colours.
Self made masks for serials, nose numbers and roundels.
ALPS printed pilots names.

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. This looks great!

  2. A great looking Scooter. It's a fitting tribute to your friend. Well done!

  3. Stellar build, sir...a fine piece of workmanship. A nice job indeed.

  4. Your mate would be proud very nice build

  5. Great work nice build and camo scheme - nice to see an aussi scooter !

  6. Very well done - some of the pics could be "walk-around" shots of the real Scooter! A great-looking scheme too - makes me want to go out and find a 72 scale version to add to my collection (I've only built one Skyhawk, and don't have any in my stash).

  7. Very nice Eric. A great looking model and a wonderful scheme. You really did a great job on this.

  8. A very fitting tribute and memory to your friend, great work.

  9. A great tribute and a fantastic build !

  10. That's outstanding! Great matches for the camo colors.

  11. Eric,
    Absolutely stunning. A fine tribute to your friend.

  12. Eric, that's one smart,tight build. Your time and efforts show and they paid off.
    Two thumbs up.

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