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Ralph Clements
43 articles

U.S.S. Indianapolis “1944”

February 15, 2016 · in Ships · · 16 · 3.4K

Here's my rendition of the famous U.S.S. Indianapolis. It is the Trumpeter scale 1944 version. It is mostly out of the box, with a Eduard railing set, made for the Academy kit, so it took some adjusting to make work, and some supplemental PE rails from my spares box.

I made one of the SOC Seagull scout planes with it's wings folded and the folded open, accordian style hangar door is made from scrap PE material. The crane hoist wheel and block are from scrap sprue and a tank tread connector link.

This project was started in November, and it has been a "one step forward, two steps back" process it seems...mostly due to oversights on my part..but all in all I am pleased with the outcome.

Thanks for watching and stay tuned for more...

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Good-lookin' build,'s said ship models are ALWAYS a work-in-progress. The few that I've completed are NOT "completed"...sigh. 🙁

  2. Ralph, she's a beauty! Got that photoetch down pat. I like the folded Seagull floatplane, gives it something.
    Marvelous work, this is ship #2? Got the knack for it, looks like.

  3. Thank you for the kind remarks Bernard. Yes it's no. 2.

    Next time I build a model bi-plane I'll do it in a larger scale...?

  4. Very nice job, looks great. Love the looks of the "treaty cruisers"

  5. The rigging was a day's work for me, and I can see you've taken a lot of care getting it right on your model. Must get it in a case!

  6. Nice job Ralph, she looks good. Shame what happened to her crew and Captain, quite a black mark on the Navy.

  7. Awesome rendition of a very iconic ship. Well done!

  8. Nice Job Ralph!
    Hat off for your finishing a build like this. That's no mean feat.

  9. Nice build Ralph.
    Ship building scares the c*** out of me.
    Too finer bits of plastic and P.E.

  10. Looks really great! As a plane guy, I love the Seagulls - adds nice detail. I agree with the other comments that it looks like you paid attention to all the detail work - the result looks great!

  11. So you should be pleased with the outcome, Ralph, it looks really good. Like Rob said above, get it in a case quick!

  12. Looks very nice. I particularly like the folded SOC.

  13. Thanks so much to all of you for the positive comments!

    I will add that getting an 'attaboy' from Ulf Lundberg is particularly gratifying as his ship models are true works of art and those he posted here on iModeler inspired me to give it a try. Thank you sir!

    • You can't imagine how happy I am whenever somebody posts a ship model. As a ship modeller I'm usually left to myself. 2014 at Telford, four of six models in the 1:350 class were built by me. In the last two shows in Sweden that I took part in, I was the only exhibitor in my class, and you don't see too many ships on this site either.
      So, good job on this one, a large ship model like this is quite an undertaking, and keep it up.

  14. Nice to see another ship model. And a very well executed one, at that. Beautiful work!

  15. All i can say is awesome. Very detailed attention to the build.
    Great job

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