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Grega X
14 articles

Wie ein floh…. Me-163 Komet B-1a

April 18, 2016 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.1K

Hi friends,

Still collecting myself from Moson madness, so i thought I'd share a small model that i've finished a while ago. 's , a rocked powered German jet. Small amount of parts, I thought that that would be a super easy build due to a small number of parts, but not so. Despite the installation of CMK cockpit and skid-bay was not that difficult, mating the fuselage with the tail section and the nose cone was almost impossible. So tons of putty was used to correct the shape of the nose, same story with the tail section, of course, all the details were destroyed in the process. I had to recreate them back. From there on, everithing was easier, Model was painted with Gunze paints, decals from Peddinghaus were a bit tricky to place as they have to be cut out individually, but not problematic. Weathering with AK washes was restrained to a minimum as the life span of this small AC was really short. So... that's it really... 🙂 Enjoy the photos.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Very nice, Grega. A punchy little kit!

  2. Great results, super detail.

  3. Nicely done model, and great photos!

  4. Beautiful finish on this (and as Greg said, nice photography as well).

  5. Grega, one of the best little Comets I've seen. Excellent looking finish and your paint scheme is very well done. Nice Work on this !

  6. Great Looking Komet. Nice mottling and beautiful detail painting in the 'pit. Always a treat to see some WIP pics, too. Looks like it was a pretty bloody battle, but you definitely won.

    I wonder if this is from the same molds as the old 1/48 Testor release which I have in my stash?

  7. Nice work--Like

  8. Wunderbar! Very nice rendition. I suppose that the molds originate from Dragon?The plane has always been one of my favorites, so unusual yet advanced

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