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Allan J Withers
208 articles

Bristol 170 Mk 21E Freighter, A81-3, 2 ATU RAAF Edinburgh SA 1964.

May 31, 2016 · in Aviation · · 14 · 2.7K

1/72 conversion of the Superfreighter using some of the Magna resin bits and my own modifications, finished in Humbrol 11, Concept 212 and MM enamels with Future over a selection of Aussie decals from the spares box. The operated four of these from 1949 to 1967.

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2  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Nicely done, Allan...a rarely seen build. Good work! 🙂

  2. Allan, bravo! Did you sand off all them golfball rivets and rescribe? That's a nice clean build.
    I just like the ol' girl, there's something about the stance. Working aircraft, no mistake. Shame we don't see more of her.
    How was the Magna conversion?

    • Thanks Bernard, yes got rid of the rivets, scribed the main panel lines, only used the cargo doors, cockpit roof, and some oil cooler bits from Magnum, reworked the Airfix tail pieces, more pic's !

  3. Very nice! Unusual looking bird. Great job on the conversion. I'm sure it makes a pleasing addition to your collection.

  4. Great work. I've seen this in books before, didn't know it was kitted

  5. Wow! What a rarity - the subject itself and the kits too! Very nice and clean build. Extremely clean build and the painting is flawless - reminds me somehow the works of Mike Grant (whose builds I like very much too).

  6. Great job, Allan.

  7. Great colour scheme. You've really put some new life into this oldie (the kit, that is, not me).

  8. Unusual subject in a good looking colour scheme.
    Excellent build.
    Can remember these planes flying over in the early sixty's. From the UK to the airport of Zestienhoven (Rotterdam). Amazing to see the nose opening and most of the time a few cars were off or on loaded.

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