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California Steve
62 articles

I can't shake him!! This guy is stuck on my tail!!!!

May 30, 2016 · in Uncategorized · · 14 · 2.1K

Well someone had to post after Pavel's magnificent M-5...

Here is my little weekend glue bomb. This is Tiger Models , and it was a fun and quick build. Did I mention Pavel's magnificent M-5... Well I hope you enjoy my Komedy of errors..

And a bit of my madness.

As the comedian George Gobel said on the Johnny Carson TV show when he was on with Bob Hope and Dean Martin.

"Did you ever feel that the world is a tuxedo, and you were a pair of brown shoes?'

It's all good and I am excited to see more of Pavel's posts.

I hope you enjoy,

California Steve

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5  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Can always expect the unexpected from your bench, Steve...and this one is among the wackiest. I remember that episode to which you refer, and I've always liked his line about not one Japanese airplane getting past Tulsa. 🙂

  2. Hey Craig, how ya doing?... Remember Dean flicking ashes in his drink?
    For you folks who haven't seen this bit of comedy classic here is the link.
    Thanks Craig,
    California Steve

  3. Steve, ya done it again! Where do you find this stuff? Or does it find you? (cue the spooky music)
    Thanks for remembering George Gobel. He flew in WW II, don't remember the details. He knew of which he spoke, like a lot of that generation.

  4. I think it finds me Bernard. I look around the man cave and there it is.
    What can I say. I am glad you get a kick out of my plastic illness. Haa Haa!
    California Steve

  5. Talk about checking your six! George Gobel, he had that crew cut and a dry sense of humor?

    • George was a funny guy indeed. With his style you found yourself hanging on his every word because you never knew when he would drop the funny bomb.
      California Steve

  6. Well done steve - perfect follow up after the M5 !

  7. Think of this as a pressure relief valve for the plastic impaired..
    That M-5 was sure nice. I love the builds that inspire us to model to a higher level.
    Thanks David,
    California Steve

  8. Waah! Great one 😀 😀 😀

  9. Well thank you very much Gabor. These little kits are sure fun to build. And the quality and fit is close to perfect. They also come with decals that are water slide or stickers for the junior builder. Nice touch.
    I am glad you got a kick out of the setup.
    California Steve

  10. Oh man almost lost bladder control when Martin flicks his ashes...think he would let him drink it? the Tulsa thing was a rip too.
    Oh the model is cute. 🙂

  11. Thanks Bill, There are some real funny Carson sleepers on U Tube.
    And thank you for liking my itsy tiny cute model.
    California Steve

  12. If that's where you get some of your ideas it's pretty good inspiration, Steve, and I'm certain your models are inspiration to some of us, too!

  13. Thanks George. Why do I do these things? Haa Haa!
    Thanks for the nice words.
    California Steve

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