1/72 Grumman J2F Duck by Airfix (and me)
This is one of my long promised re-shoots of an earlier build. This is Murphy's flyin' lavatory (from the movie Murphy's war), a highly modified Airfix kit. If you have ever seen the movie, then you will recognize it. Quite a bit of scratch building and after market stuff. It's a "ONE OFF" ! (off to find that flamin' submarine)
Nicely done, Phil...I like it (nice touch with the spinnin' prop, too).
Glad you like it ! We can thank that north easterly breeze.
I really like it Phil, You need to find a small version of the movie poster to go with it. I can almost Peter O'Toole sitting in the cockpit !
Thanks Terry ! I did my best to replicate Murphy. The pilot was made using several lads from the spares box, who donated their limbs, etc. to the project. The floppy grey hat was vac. formed.
I loved the movie and your model brings the story alive again - and you even got the fish net "bombing devices". Great work. Wonder how many people would have seen the movie, I had to check at IMDB, it is from 1971, so really old now.
Glad you like it ! I saw the movie sometime in the late 80's and remember thinking ---hmmm--project---. It took a while, and a bit of planning believe me.
Murphy war
Like nice
Thanks P.k. !
That's an absolute beauty Phil
when you think of what was in the box and what came out of it
kind of magic...
what do you think of the Classic Airframes offering of that machine
in quarter scale ?
Thanks kloster ! The base model I used was a -5, and the movie aircraft was a -1 with the cowling ripped off. Lots of re-profiling needed, as well as a replacement engine. A "TON" of work.
I haven't seen the Classic Airframes offering in 1/24.
By the way
thanks to you all plastic gluers for your friendly welcome.
Long live I modeler !
A blast from the past, great job.
Thanks Robert ! I felt like blowing it up a couple of times.
What did you use for research? I've got an old Air Classics magazine covering the movie, but it wasn't very detailed on the plane.
My research involved watching the movie a dozen times or so, F- Fing to the necessary scenes, and some Google stills. Any pictures of models that I found on the subject were not that well done.
Phil, great work, rivets a-go-go! You could remove calluses with the fuselage. Only one I know of in 1/72nd, at least from a mainstream company.
Good job removing the cowling, the plane is a late one, a -6. Some outfit called Columbia made them, as well as Grumman.
Unusual airplane and scheme, well done!
The model was a little "dirty". I did a complete re-scribe, then needled in rivets and added details where necessary.
Sorry Phil I meant of course the 1/48 Duck by Classic airframes
which is said to be "difficult but rewarding". A 1/24 models of this seabird
would sure be very impressive but I don't think it exists...
I am aware of the 1/48 offering It could be used as a base for sure, but would still require some work.
By the way
is "Murphys war " worth downloading or is
it kind of really too old ?
kloster, it's a story of ingenuity and revenge, don't want to spoil it for you. Old is a relative term, as it is one of the classic themes. "Of arms and the man I sing, and the wrath of Achilles..." 47 Ronin. Ullysses. So, you thought I was dead, huh? SURPRISE! (and bad stuff follows)
I like it.
A new outfit called Merit has a 1/48th -5 Duck, fairly recent. As usual, I want an earlier one, in Marine Scouting Yellow Wings scheme. Maybe some day...
Glencoe had an off scale ,1/54 of a -2, I think a reissue of a ringo/itc kit, so it's probably primitive.
Great looking duck! I built one of these (think I posted in my blog) but didn't take the time to de-rivit and re-scribe like you have done. Yours is the better end product! I like the very different scheme as well, and where the motivation came from. All in all, excellent project!
Thanks Greg ! The aircraft in the book was actually a Sword Fish. When none could be found for the movie adaptation, the story was changed to use the Duck instead, which the RN never used. Never under estimate artistic licence.
Is that sort of like the opening scenes of A bridge too far?
Spit XVIe overflying some hidden enemy? The duck is real nice, Phil. You pulled the rigging off in grand style.
Thanks Paul ! Glad you like it.
Well done Phil.
Thanks Alllan !
I am loving this Phil! Great modeling. I love the hat.
California Steve
Gracious Amigo ! He HAD to have a hat.
Great subject
and a great build!
Thanks ! Glad you liked it.
Great Duck, Phil!
I really like the movie as well, and yes, it is VERY recognizable! My Dad saw this movie and told me about flying Ducks during the war. He really liked anything to do with water & airplanes, so he enjoyed seaplanes especially. So much so that when he passed, we had a PBY (his favorite aircraft that he flew) engraved on his tombstone.
That is a fine tribute ! Glad you like the model.