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Robert Royes
257 articles

F-8, Fujimi, amt

July 21, 2016 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.2K

The first is 's old 1/70 F-8D,converted to a 'B', Leaving off the fuselage strakes, and using VF-32 decals from micro scale CAG-3 sheet, Had to sand off a ton of rivets

The second is /ertl 1/72 F-8H in kit decals,All in all I like the look of the Fujimi kit better even though it's less accurate ,The amt kit's canopy was a very bad fit.

With apology's to all the F-8 fans of which I am one, the last image is of a patch I acquired while at Naval Hospital Philadelphia [when it still existed].back in the day. It must have belonged to a pilot of an F-4.

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2  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. clean tight job to see these forgotten kits brought to life

  2. Good looking models Robert.

  3. Simple and (as Bob mentioned) clean builds, Robert (I like the patch). 🙂

  4. Robert, I remember the kit, yours is the first I've seen built. Good looking pair of Crusaders. Sundowners always a favorite.
    That patch is a keeper. Doubt you'll see one of those again. Thanks for letting us see it.

  5. Nice brace of F-8's. I also built the Fujimi D - sanded off all the raised panel lines and rivet detail (first time I ever did that), and then redrew the lines with pencil and post shaded on top of that. Came out ok (posted in my iModel blog).

    Love the patch! I AM a Phantom fan (dad flew it in Nam), but I also appreciate the "last gunfighter!"

  6. A couple of smart looking Navy planes, good job, Robert.

  7. Nice oldies Robert! Is the A-4 an old Hasegawa kit?

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