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Allan J Withers
207 articles

Mil Mi 6 “Hook”, 7608, 919 th ATR North Vietnamese Air Force, Hoa Lac 1972.

September 19, 2016 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.3K

1/72 , I modified and replaced a few things, finished in Revell, MM and Humbrol enamels with Future and Matt Cote over kit decals.

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5  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Looks good to me Allan, typical spartan interior of the Soviet design.
    They don`t like giving comfort to the users.

  2. You always manage to amaze with your choices of builds, Allan. Quite the eclectic array of things that go "wop-wop-wop".

  3. Allan, what a great hulking brute of an aircraft! You captured it well. And not in Russian markings, either. Wonder what the Viets are/were using it for? Troop carrier, by the look of it.

  4. Another nice build! How did you like the Amodel kit? I've got a few recently purchased that I haven't attempted yet, and am wondering if they will be problematic.

  5. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Very nice work on this rare bird Allan. Very sharp and clean build, very nice to see such build, thanks for sharing the pictures.

  6. Now that's unusual. great job.

  7. Great modeling Allan. This helo is huge in any scale. Very very nice.
    California Steve

  8. Looks like a bit of a brute, I think you've captured the look very well. I sometimes wish you would give us a bit more detail on "modified and replaced a few things", like what?

    • Thanks George, you only need to ask, I opened the entry and cockpit to cabin doors, replaced the engine and tail rotor drive shafts, main UC legs; hand rails, rotor pitch rods with stretched sprue, and scratch built oil cooler fan, replaced the rotor main shafts with brass tube and wire, drilled and pinned the main rotor blades with brass wire, replaced the cabin windows with 1mm lexan sheet, altered the decals from 7809 to 7608, plus other things to make it all fit together.

  9. Cool chopper Allan! They aren't easy builds. Lots of windows and big interiors, nice job.

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