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IT Lahtinen
16 articles

Skipper Jussi "The Bag" 69 – Zvezda 1:100 Skipper Riley

September 15, 2016 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.9K

Please meet the famous Skipper Riley's not so well know twin brother Jussi ”The Bag" 69 from Finlandia (The right translation from the original name Jussi Pussi 69 is Jussi The Plastic Bag 69, but "The Bag" is much shorter and much cooler sounding… ). Jussi 69 served previous war being a furious ace. He shot down over 500 weather balloons and 99 luft ballons! Some kind of record of its kind. After the war Jussi flew here and there - loving fast low passes & inverted loops. He made some stunts in Disney's Planes movies with Riley and some B class TV war documentaries. His retirement days Jussi is spending in warm Las Vegas flying over beautiful Grand Canyon & Area 51-53.

Zvezda Skipper Riley 1:100 snap-kit required only minimal modifications from OOB Skipper Riley to Jussi 69. I don't even remember those changes … The kit was easy, fun & rewarding to build and I weathered it with frenzy. I use the saw to cut control surfaces and adjusted them at sixes and sevens while Jussi is a bit shabby (after the war). I carved red tongue to Jussi - he's keeping it outside to feel the cool air breeze with motor oil. Decals are from 70s. Main landing gears are removable so my son can fly the plane faster.

I think world is a better place with every new model kit, it is so cool design.

Thank you for watching and good night.

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10 responses

  1. I wouldn't have guessed it was 1/100th scale...looks pretty good for what it is.

  2. Thank you Craig. I used the zoom lens to make it look bigger 🙂
    You can't go wrong with the beautiful F4U.

  3. Very cool, IT! Bet your son really enjoys that one...

    Both my grandsons love the "Planes" movies.

  4. Down right cute, what kid wouldn't love playing with it.

  5. Nice weathering! Don't know that I would have gone to so much trouble for something my kids would fly around the house...! (but it's VERY nice weathering).

  6. Looks actually more realistic than the one in the movie! 🙂

  7. Thank you sirs. Your kind words really cheer up my Friday! 🙂

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