Consolidated PBY 5 Catalina, A24-17, 11 Sqn RAAF Cairns Qld 1943.
1/72 Academy, my first Catalina, not counting the the Airfix kit built many years ago, I modified a few things and added some antennae, finished in Humbrol and MM enamels with Future and MM FS30000 acrylic over ES decals.
Now, THERE'S a "horse of a different color'...I like that!
Thanks Craig, a sea horse ?
Very nice.
Should do one too.
Thanks Paul, you should !
Beautiful build, the paint job is excellent.
Thanks Bernd.
Nice paint job Allan, it really stands out as different for this aircraft.
All your extra detail work really shows, good work.
Thanks DE4EVER.
Very nice, Allan. I built one of these in 1/48 (different scheme) - it was huge!
Thanks Rob, they are big, 104' wing, 64' long.
I'm with Craig on this one, I like it, Well done !
Thanks Terry.
Like it! The scheme is nice on this too - different, like Jaime's Phillipines Catalina
Thanks Greg, will have a look.
Really outstanding what was that you used to mask?
Thanks Robert, Bostik blutack, Aussie product and masking tape.
Great work for an unusual subject, compliments.
Thanks Roberto.
Allan, are those Australian colors or British? Look Brit to me, but I've been wrong before. Too much Alan Huntley, probably.
Hi Bernard, apparently RAF, although the aircraft was delivered direct from the Consolidated San Diego factory via Honolulu, Canton Island, Noumea or Suva to Sydney Australia in 1941.
Allan, in 1941 that was quite a trip in itself. Portents of things to come, of course. Took a while, I'll bet. Certainly looks different than the USN schemes we're used to.
Bernard, the first delivered A24-1 had a flight time of 60 hours 16 minutes, this was only the third time the Pacific had been crossed by air.
I like that scheme Alan, great work!
Thanks John.
I Like!
Thanks P.k.
The paint job the panel lines and detail is great
Thanks Tom.