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Robert Royes
258 articles

New hi tech F-4 model

October 28, 2016 · in Uncategorized · · 19 · 1.5K

This is the latest and greatest hi- tech model of the , a rivet counter's dream,it's very accurate, goes together easily, requiring no filling of seams, minimum flash, instruction's are easy to follow and an excellent decal sheet. highly recommended.

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19 responses

  1. Scale? I can only consider if 1/72...this appears a bit smaller if compared to the wood grain of your table! How much aftermarket products are available?

  2. Scale? about 1/250, It's still too new for aftermarket stuff.

  3. The canopy looks a bit wrong to me

  4. ...and the dihedral is waaaaay too exaggerated - 🙁

  5. It's the wheels that need attention...

  6. The decals seem to have conformed perfectly! Nice

  7. Aw, gee! It looks like a Phantom to me! Bwahahahahaha!

  8. Well I have just witnessed my first gear down wheels off landing of the Dymestore F-4 Phantom! Robert I am impressed with your skills as a pilot. I have flown the "Dyme F-4" many years ago and found it to be one of the most robust aircraft in my fleet. Once it was attacked by a type Tyke. Tyke was my dog. After a rinse and a few structural manipulations it continued it's service for many years.
    And.. Thanks for posting. I needed that after a long week.
    California Steve

  9. Great build Robert, in that scale too.

  10. Plane courtesy of my son's leftover toys of his former youth.

    • Has your son left home yet? If he has how did you engineer that feat please? We have two in their mid twenties and our retirement plans didn't allow for this eventuality!

      Oh, nice F-4J too. Colour scheme looks a tad suss it an FGR.1 that the Poms used? 🙂 🙂 🙂

  11. Where did you find the sidewinders in that scale ?
    Good stuff !

  12. I love the new markings! They should have used that style before.

  13. Where did they come up with that awesome canopy? You did a great job of masking!

  14. It's a new style..

  15. The canopy plastic is so clear it looks like nothing is there.

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