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Steve E
14 articles

“Good Shot Jansen” MPC AT-AT Diorama

November 8, 2016 · in Sci-fi · · 17 · 2.6K

This kit was given to me about 10 years ago from a former club member. I started on it then and it eventually got shelved and shoved back in to the box. Recently, I decided to start building some of my kits and this one need to be completed.

I used Tamiya Surface primer as the base coat of the model. Once dry, I sprayed the head, neck and body with glasscoat. Once that dried, I applied an acrylic black wash to all the parts and sealed with dullcoat. It was much easier to weather as separate assemblies than as a complete kit.

I used 22 gauge wire as my tow cable (anything less wouldn't support the speeder), I drilled a small hole in the spot where Jansen hit the .

I used Woodland Scenics Snow and Woodland Scenics glue to create the Hoth landscape.

I added some additional detail to the turret in the background and mounted the AT-AT itself to the base.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Nice job, Steve...hard to tell just how big (or small) that is without something for reference. I like the "weathering", though.

  2. Excellent build and presentation.

  3. Nice Steve - even if it is Sci-Fi!

  4. A very realistic rendition! real nice.

  5. Always loved that part of the movie-so Eastern Front. Built this YEARS ago it was fun. Yours looks great, good depiction of an imaginative scene.

  6. I have always loved the MPC Walker! Had two when I was little. (Alas no Kenner version, at least not until I was an adult!) Never did like (or understand) why they went with the two stiff rear legs. One set of molds for one of the articulated front legs would have been all they needed, although the mold would have been used four times as much as the rest. The newer Revell kit is quite a bit larger, but it is taking a long time to get it to look right. (The head is the major offender.) The MPC kit looks great out of the box and you did a great display with it!

    (BTW, there is a video on YouTube of one of these that someone motorized! "Most impressive.") Imagine how much time could have been save filming that instead of the stop motion ILM used! Well, off to watch Empire now!

    • I thought the exact same thing when it came to the legs. The kit would have been much more dynamic had the made all four articulated. I haven't made the jump to the Revell kit. I don't like that they put zero interior in the cargo bay of the AT-ACT. Now, to make it right, you have to spend a lot of time scratch building an interior.

  7. Steve, some very clever work on this, a very interesting and attractive model. I'll bet its a big hit with kids. How big is this machine ?. I looks huge !

    • Yep, The kids like it. I took it to the Hobbytown USA contest back in October and it drew a small crowd of youngsters. It's really not that big...maybe 13" in length at best.

  8. Great diorama. I've never really been into Star Wars that much but everyone remembers this bit of the film!
    Great modelling skills!

  9. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Ahhhhhhh ! STAR WARS ... 🙂 .
    Great looking diorama Steve, you freeze framed that moment in the film.

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