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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

A Year In Builds – 2016

December 27, 2016 · in Aviation · · 10 · 1.6K

I knew I would finish at least one of the 3 in-progress builds during the Christmas break, so wanted to wait until I got that done to add to the "year in the life of a modelaholic" mania sweeping iModeler this December! With my post of the Myrsky earlier today, that milestone has ended, so here's a look back. This was actually my most prolific year in quite a while, but part of that is due to the fact that the looooonnng time it took me to get the two Corsairs done was mostly spent in 2015, but they counted as January completions.

Anyway, here's the line-up:

Hasegewa's F4U-1 modified as closely as possible into a Honduran F4U-5N.

Minicraft/Hasegewa's F4U-1 modified into an FG1-D in El Salvadoran colors.

Trumpter's JH-7A Flying Leapard

Testor/Italeri's RF-4E in Luftwaffe Norm72 scheme - done for the Phantom II Group Build

Ace (Hasegawa rebox) P-47D

Hasegawa P-40N

Hasegawa RF-101C

Testor's Kfir C-2 in the livery of Ecuador

AviationUSK's VL Myrsky II

I've got an aggressive line-up for 2017 - hoping I can knock them off! I love the hobby, and love the companionship with others who do also, as I have experienced on iModeler. I look forward to spending another year oogling all of your builds, and sharing my efforts as well.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

10 responses

  1. Great work Greg, I like them all, looking forward to your offerings in 2017.

  2. Unlike Mr. Koppos, it appears you only MISSED 3 months... 🙂 - and I'm with Allan...I like 'em all, too.

  3. Great selection, love the Corsairs

  4. Nice production!

  5. Greg I like all of these builds. However I am partial to the round engines and V-12's .
    Great job with every single one of these. I'm looking forward to seeing the New Year projects.

  6. All great builds, Greg !

  7. Nice job Greg, very productive year.

  8. Greg, some real nice work here. Looking forward to next years !

  9. Hello Greg,
    The production line did it's work.
    Piece by piece the models are finished to high standard.
    My favorite, the German Phantom
    Regards, Dirk/The Netherlands.

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