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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Airfix Spitfire F Mk. 22

December 16, 2016 · in Aviation · · 25 · 3.2K

Here's my version of the Supermarine F Mk. 22. For this project I wanted to go for a pristine post-war finish so I did very little weathering. I also used the AK Xtreme Metal polished Aluminum. I very much like that stuff! This meets my goal of a dozen kits done for the year and, I am nearly finished with my next 1/48 Tamiya armor kit! Exceeding a goal is good.

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7  Awesome

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25 responses

  1. hmmm, a MK 22, a sleek airframe, oversize engine,a long pointy spinner and a wicked 5 bladed prop, then Scott comes along and gives it a nice silver paint scheme, = Excellent. Very nice Scott !

  2. Beautiful job, been eyeing this kit for awhile now. always liked the Mk 22, did the old Hawk kit as a kid. Might have add it to my stash.

    • Thanks Robert! The Airfix kit is a gem. I built at least six of those old Hawk kits when I was a kid. In fact, I remember seeing The Battle of Britain as a youngster when it came out and thinking, "Those Spitfires aren't right! Spitfires have 5 blades! And, they're green and gray, not green and brown. And, and ..." So much I didn't know then, lol.

  3. A pretty build, Scott...the finish came out well. Nice job.

  4. Very nice.

    FWIW - the post war silver scheme in the RAF was "High Speed Silver" - silver lacquer paint overall. What you did looks close.

  5. Nice looking Spit Scott. May have to check out the AK paint line

    • Thanks Tom! I've also used the AK True Metal paste for the first time on an EE Lightning I'm working on, and it looks good too. Very different from the bottle stuff.

  6. That's a good looking Spitfire you have built. If I didn't know what scale it was I would think it was at least a 1/48 size. The kit looks like it packed a lot of details in it. Nice work Scott.

  7. Great job Scott! Looks like one fast sleek plane. Almost shimmers.

  8. Yes a lovely Spitfire Scott, well done.

  9. Great work on the Spit. This is the only new-tool Airfix kit I possess in my stash at the moment, and I'm gonna have to pull it out soon...!

  10. Stunning and beautiful build !

  11. Beautiful finish on this, really shows off the sleek lines of the Spitfire.

  12. Great job on the metal finish. I thought it was an Airfix 1/48 when I saw the pic

  13. Not normally a fan of bare metal but that Spit is sweet.

  14. Very, very pretty. Elegant. Made even better by a non weathered look.

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