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Amazing hand-painted 1/35 Mil Mi-24 Hind

December 18, 2016 · in Aviation · · 18 · 7.7K

A picture in Rob's latest Friday Briefing showing a Hungarian Mi-24 Hind painted as a bird reminded me of this, the Best in Show winner at this year's Moson Model Show.

This 1/35 scale Hungarian Air Force Mi-24 Hind “Csőrike 2” was built and brought all the way to the show by Mr. Cheng Pin Fan from Taiwan. · on youtube

According to the modeler: "I always wanted to build this particular Mi-24, but since there was no aftermarket decal set available, I came in to paint it myself."

Cheng Pin Fan used a combination of brush and airbrush techniques for this remarkable and challenging paint job. A tell-tale gallery of construction photos can be found at his Facebook page at:

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Great, that you're giving this project another chance to stand in the limelight, Martin. Well earned in deed.
    During a chat with Mr. Chang Pin Fan in Moson, he told me that joining the show was the reason for him to come to Europe all the way from Taiwan. Just imagine: you endure a long-distance flight including the according financial impact to show your project to the country of its origin. How cool is that?
    I was enthusiastic when I heard that he won the best in show price.

  2. This is most impressive, thanks for Sharing!

  3. A fabulous "bird of prey"...some real talent on display there!

  4. I remember this. Remarkable modelling.

  5. It's just great! Hats off to you.

  6. Awesome, just awesome...

  7. That's just totally insane, especially when you get to the last picture.

    wow. Just, wow.

  8. Extremely creative!

  9. It is beautiful work. In 1/35 the Hind must be huge! This was no weekend project itself, but I wonder how long it took to paint the full scale bird! Was it free hand brushed, airbrushed or a little of both?

  10. Wow, even the little one in the youngin's hand is painted. That is truly amazing!

  11. It is an incredible piece of artwork/modeling!

  12. Cool. Real cool. 🙂

  13. Smashing build !

  14. Outstanding build


  15. Master Modeler. Master piece.
    The model, including the two children gives it a soul. It is alive.
    Regards, Dirk, The Netherlands.

  16. there are no words's nothing but perfect!
    if you're interested, you can see some photos about Csőrike:
    (just for the fun: "Csőrike" is Tweety Bird's name in hungarian...yes, from the Looney Tunes cartoons...:) )

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