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Carl Christensen
49 articles

Any landing you walk away from is a good one….

December 31, 2016 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.5K

This is the French Nieuport Ni-11, my first ever Bi-Plane, and last completed build of 2016.

I have always wanted to build a WW1 Bi-Plane but never got around to it until now.

Its from the box (with the addition of rigging) and was just a little bit of a muck around really but fun all the same. I didn't want to display it sitting nicely parked up so thought I'd spice it up just a bit and have it planted nose first after a heavy landing. I think it ads an interesting twist, and makes for a simple but effective diorama.

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7  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. I like it...I should do the same thing with many of MY models. 🙁

  2. Just another day on the Verdun front...

  3. Nice,looks good ! Replace prop and wheel assemblies, clean up the engine, good to go.

  4. What a great way to display your work. Outstanding Sir !

  5. Really creative Carl, I really like it.

  6. Fun way to depict an aircraft!

  7. I've seen a real one fly, and I really enjoyed your model. Great work, Carl! Also, your display position is a nice change!

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