He-111 Night Blitzer
Here is my recently finished He-111, done in the suggested 'Blitz Version' night scheme - This is the 1990's Monogram 1/48 kit. The decals promptly fell apart on contact with water, but I cobbled some together from extras and thy are similar at least -
Brush painted with PE cockpit details - hope you like it
Looks sinister...that's why I like it - good work, Ralph.
I agree, a fearsome bird. Looks great. For restoring older decals I've had success with testors decal bonder, comes in a 3oz spray can #9200, its part of their decal making system.
Great work on this one Ralph, the scheme really sets it apart. Good work on the decals.
Nice job, love the Blitz scheme. The He-111 has always been my favourite german bomber for some reason.
Thanks everyone. I agree the HE-111 is sinister, looking, kind of petrodactyl-ish...which is why I thought taking pictures of it outdoors on a gloomy day might be fitting.
I may start a nursery business after this since that 'greenhouse' nose seemed to take forever...
Ralph, great idea! I'd be kinda nervous flying around surrounded by all that glass, particularly with hostile flak and fighters.
Make a nice wiffer, provided you could find some scale flower pots. Hmmm...
Looks great ! You may have inspired me to do another re-shoot---if the wind ever stops blowing in Nova Scotia.
That is very sharp
Ralph, great work on the HE. I don't see a lot of them built, which is a shame. Lots of schemes, provided you can find the decals.
The greenhouse is toughest part of the build, painting it and then getting it to fit onto the fuselage. You got it.
Nice job. I have one waiting in the wings, but have after market decals. Will be BoB also with the famous chalk markings on the fuselage.
You've captured the look of this aircraft very well, definitely something slightly sinister about it.
Very nice-looking He-111 - I may have to do one in that scheme, I like it.
That HE-111 is nicely done Ralph. How long did it take you to build and were there any issues? I have one in the sash, however I did buy a set of masks for it.
Oh I love that bird! Great job Ralph. I have one of these in the stash and yes, that canopy already intimidates me.
Years ago while working as a sheetmetal mechanic, my boss and I were working out in the country, installing ductwork when I heard a loud thrumming. I went outside the house to see what it was and lo, and behold, there was a Junkers Ju-52 cruising just above the trees! Your photos evoke memories of that event.
Great job. Now...I...must...resist...buying...one
Ahhh, another brush painter!