1/32 Hasegawa P-47D30 Thunderbolt “Glenn T. Eagleston”
This is 1/32 Hasegawa P-47D30 finished with the markings of Maj.Glenn T Eagleston from 353rd FS in France late 1944.
I have decided to modify cockpit area by using Aires set and Eduard instrument panel . Cockpit parts painted to Dark dull green by using Gunze H302
I have used front section of Vector engine set to simulate R2800 with GE ignition parts which are used on D30s. I have decided to use Hasegawa s cylinders.
Engine finished with the addition of some lead wires.
Painting done with Alclad lacquers. And the decals are OOB.
I have used Barracudacast wheels.
Happy modelling
Now that brings back memories. Built that back when Hawk's 48th scale was the kit!
Your beaut makes me wanna try the Tamiya one! Hope mine looks half as good as yours! Good show all around.
Another outstanding build, Tolga...now if they'd just make a new 32nd Razorback, I'd be "all in".
Thanks Craig
I do not still understand that why Hasegawa did not released also Razorback version. Is it so hard?
Sincerely, Vlad.
WOW that is one sweet looking Tbolt ! Excellent job on everything and love the finish !
This has to be my all time favorite P-47 bubble top color scheme. I remember building the chrome plated Hawk version as a kid. It was one of my favorite planes back then too. I recently picked up the Tamiya 1/48 and decals for Eagleston's T-bolt and its in my "build" pile. If mine turns out half as nice as yours did, then I will be very pleased! Excellent work indeed .
Tolga, first rate work as usual! I always look forward to seeing your builds.
Like Louis, I had the Hawk kit with them markings. That kindled an interest in striking markings on P-47s, which I found were numerous, colorful and fascinating. Not to mention other aircraft!
Wow, is that nice, Tolga! Beautiful job!
Another nice piece of workmanship, Tolga !
I'm a big fan of P-47s, especially when they are nice like this is !
A real stunner Tolga! Love that scheme (I remembering building that in grade school, in 1/72 scale...)
Excellent detail and finish work.
Thanks for your comments
Very nice and a great job on the innards
Looks like another strong solid build Tolag. I like the work you did with the tires. They have mass and play the part. I also, like the exhaust staining on the gear doors ...not everyone catches that detail. 1/32nd scale is the one scale that is appropriate for the P-47. The kit is big enough to represent a big WWII fighter. The smaller scales can look pretty and nice but, the bigger kits can do the obvious. Two thumbs up. Looking forward to your next build.
So many details to pick out which collectively all help to make an outstanding model. Excellent work, Tolga.
Nice you make a show build and paint! LIKE
Another boringly-perfect Tolga Ulgur model, built to the usual demanding standard.
Yeah, Eagleston's airplane is a fave for everyone.
Tolga, this is beautifully done. Thanks for sharing.