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Tom Rodgers
35 articles

1/48 Scale Dragon Fokker Dr.1

February 20, 2017 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.5K

My oldest son bought this kit in the mid 90's and never built it, so I built it as a gift to him. Fokker Dr. 1, OOB. LT. Josef Jacobs, Jasta 7, 1918, 48 kills. Pour le Merit. Tamiya paints. The first time i've used PE education. Actually went together pretty well, but the decals were really dodgey since they were so old. Still worked out OK.

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7  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Tom, great work on the cockpit and the laminations on the prop. IMHO that makes of breaks a WW I plane. Used them metal struts. Photos of the time look like just what you have there, thin.
    The black paint makes it look sinister, and also like the "bad guy" schemes you see in Dawn Patrol. Art imitating life!

  2. Ah...the "Black Baron" - nice build. Not my forte, but I still like it.

  3. Tom,very neat looking !. I really like the cockpit, and the overall scheme is very attractive. Well done !

  4. Ominous in that black scheme! Very nice.

  5. Excellent work, Tom. Very tidy & well-done cockpit.. Bernie mentioned that it looks sinister in black. Agreed! Very nice.

  6. I hope your oldest was suitably impressed, very neat work, and the black and white really suits it.

  7. A real stunner!, Got one half built that my father started, perhaps I'll give it a go.

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