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Gary Stevenson
31 articles

Academy 1/32 F/A-18C of VMFA-122 USMC

February 6, 2017 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.8K

Finished a while ago, this kit had lots of extras thrown at it but one bit me on the proverbial! - The seamless intakes were a sod to get right & ended up with a gap which just would not stay filled at the intake lip - Not a product fault but more likely a modeller fault!
I hope you like it as I don't normally make newer subject kits.

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3  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. What is that I'm seeing on the forward vane area(s) on either side of the cockpit? These old eyes play tricks sometimes...but it looks like some sort of marring in the finish. Care to enlighten me in my assumption, Gary?

  2. Very nice! I love the highlighting you did in the cockpit - really makes it pop.

  3. Hi Craig, that sir is my depiction of the non-slip coating found on the real birds (and often over-sprayed in the paintshop after a repaint - like this Bug has been.)
    I masked off a section on the vanes for the non-slip area and brush painted on some enamel varnish. Then when it's still tacky sprinkle on some talcum powder, wait a few seconds and blow off the excess - Voila! Non-slip finish! I found it best to practice a little before using this method in anger!

  4. Nice Hornet, definitely my sort of subject.

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