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Gary Stevenson
31 articles

Italeri (Accurate Miniatures) 1/48 B-25D Mitchel 'Tondalayo'

February 6, 2017 · in Aviation · · 5 · 1.9K

Still on the workbench and propped up to avoid strain on that original, fragile plastic nosewheel leg! - A metal leg would have been nice on this one, especially with all the weight in the nose to contend with!

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5 responses

  1. Nice weathering Gary. Metal gear will bend over time if you have a lot of weight in the nose. Like the over-all look.

  2. If circumstances allow, I sometimes add any necessary weight in the engine nacelles to avoid that situation.

  3. Gary, she looks the part! Low level in the SWP will beat up the airplane every time, plus the weather. Later on, they stripped her back to NMF and used her for a hack.

  4. I have 20 year old AccMin B-25s with plastic gear and no problems.

    Interesting model.

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