The Mitchell Database at iModeler

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North American B-25 Mitchell

ProModeler Monogram 1/48 B-25J Mitchell

I used ProModeler's decal sheet depicting a B-25J "My Dutchess" of the 499th BS and detailed the surface texture using Accurate Miniature's B-25 mold as an example.

B-25D Tondelayo T1/48th scale, Accurate Miniatures 1/48th scale

The goal of the project was to represent B-25D-1 #41-30669 Tondelayo of the 500th B.S. at Nadzab in June of 1944. My key reference is the excellent history of the 345th Bombardment Group Warpath Across the Pacific by Lawrence J. Hickey. I [...]

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 PBJ-1D Mitchell: VMB-433, Solomon Islands, 1944

This was sitting in my stash for many years before I decided to get started on it last year. I was driven to action after my son in the USMC sent me some photos of the PBJ in the SoCal CAF collection. Mitchells look good in blue! I used [...]

Hong Kong Models 1/48 Mitchell B-25J "Glazed Nose"

My first HKM kit and I was really chuffed with the fit of the kit. It is beautifully engineered and fits together nicely except for the top of the fuselage which gave me some issues. I believe this is a known issue. I got the seam sorted [...]

Biafra B25 Mitchell

Here is one of two B25's used briefly at the start of the Biafra War of 1967-1970. Scale 1:72. This is the old Italeri kit modified and panel lines engraved. Weathering kept to a minimum as these things were not in use for long.

A parrot out of hell: Academy 1/48 B 25D

Here is the historic background to the model by Tom Cleaver: Red Wrath was the personal mount of Lt. Colonel Clinton "Fearless" True, Group Commander of the 345th BG. Aircrew viewed him as "hard," but someone who never [...]

Airfix B-25B Mitchell 1/72

This is a B25 from the 34th bombardment squadron in 1941, according to Airfix. I was surprised to see how small the B25 actually is. Painted with AK interactive and Ammo Mig acrylics. Panel line wash also by Ammo Mig. Someone posted a [...]

Monogram 1/48 B-25J Mitchell

The 498th Bombardment Squadron was first organized at Columbia Army Air Base, South Carolina, in September 1942, as one of the four original squadrons of the 345th Bombardment Group. Upon finishing training with B-25 Mitchells, the [...]

Review: HK Models 1/48 B-25J Mitchell Review

Review: H-K Models 1/48 B-25J Mitchell

What became the B-25 Mitchell medium bomber originated in a 1938 Army Air Corps proposal for a twin-engine medium bomber. The February 1938 proposal from North American aviation was accepted and followed by the production of the NA-40 [...]