2nd Build Report M107 175mm Mechanized Howitzer
This article is part of a series:
I reported earlier on the build and post-detailing of this Tamiya-Italeri kit out of the seventies. This build also suffered delays because of my workbench being unavailable for months due to refurbishment works in my home. The prospect of a better modelling den kept me going while I reflected on future projects such as this one...
You can check my earlier report here:
The build (99% finished)
The first task was the paint job. I primered the model black, and applied some white shading on the free surfaces. After that followed an olive drab light coat so that the shading can do its work. I'm happy about the result, the extra detailing of the gun mount really comes out perfectly!
I also modeled the interior of the drivers compartment. This was mainly done using copper wire of various gauge and styrene sheet. The interior was painted flat white. I printed some dial outlines from the actual user manual of the similar M110 howitzer and reduced to 1:35th scale. The track is DS type so still needs the sagging-job but will be part of the diorama and weathering task.
Planned diorama:
I will now build a little diorama around this machine, depicting the US Army M107 at the 3rd marine forward fire base at Camp Caroll near the DMZ in February 1968. This artillery detachment was responsible for the outgoing HEX mail towards the VC and NVA regular units surrounding the US Marine base at Khe Sahn during the Tet offensive. I intend to depict figures at the moment the howitzer is fired with ears covered, a bit like in the real picture. From my research, there is no kit available for such figurines, so I will need to sculpt them myself.
I will keep you posted on this one so stay tuned!
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy, comments welcome! I already spent 40 hours on this one including researching the build. More to follow!
Happy modelling!
This is certainly a very clean looking build.
Are you thinking of setting it into a vignette, not unlike the archive photo?
I see it's 1/35 but can't tell exactly how big this really is in this case; it looks HUGE.
PS for clarification naturally saw your note about diorama plans. Was just wondering how extensive the plans were in terms of expanding the idea on the original photo. And did I understand you correctly that you're going to sculpt the figures!? I'm sure I've seen some kit figures somewhere - maybe Masterbox?
Hi Rob, Yes Masterbox has artillery crew kit but to mee it seems the uniforms are not vintage 1968, rather WWII or Korea. I started experimenting sculpting a while ago, now I want to do it for real to match the diorama; certainly a challenge. Re. dimensions, the overall length of the model is about 38cm, or 15 inch. Thanks for your comments!
That's a nice-lookin' build...I'm sure it'll look even better when it's in a "setting". Good work!
Great Job. I have always wanted to build this exact model but I always hesitated b/c have read it is a bad model of this SP Howitzer. But after seeing your build and reading about the upgrades you performed I am having second thoughts and really want one.