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Allan J Withers
203 articles

Martin PBM 3R Mariner, A70-11, 40 Sqn RAAF Townsville Qld 1943.

March 7, 2017 · in Aviation · · 19 · 2.2K

1/72 Mach2, I modified the turrets to convert to a transport, sanded and polished the canopy and painted on the frames, strengthened the fuselage join between the wings with a strip of cloth and added the mooring rails to the nose, finished in MM enamels with MM clear acrylics over Aussie decals from the spares box.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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19 responses

  1. Very nice, Allan!

  2. Came out well, Allan...nice build, sir.

  3. Leave it to you to Aussie-fy a Mariner! Looks great. What did you use for those mooring rails - had to be very small/thin!

  4. Profile Photo
    said on March 7, 2017

    Good job Allan.

  5. An outstanding job sir. love the scheme.

  6. Allan, great job on a tough kit. Without the turrets, the lines look better. How many of these did the RAAF have?

  7. It's a weird looking plane, but you've managed (as usual) to make a good job of the model.

  8. Hi Allan.
    Great model of an unsual subject - great to see someone take the time and effort to create it. My Grandfather flew these in RAAF 41 squadron - he flew all the A70 airframes of that squadron which he recorded as PBM-3S model in his log book. There seems to be a bit of to-and fro on the designations that were applied.
    I understand this kit is a bit of a challenge, even more so with the conversion into the transport version. Well done.

  9. Thanks James, they are a bit difficult !

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