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Allan J Withers
206 articles

Ryan STM, A50-2, 3 Communications Unit RAAF 1942.

March 4, 2017 · in Aviation · · 18 · 1.8K

1/72 , I replaced and added a few things, exhausts from sprue, pitots and bracing from brass wire, air scoops from alloy foil, finished in Humbrol and MM enamels with Future and Micro flat over kit decals.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Allan, I knew they had at least one of them, ex NEI. Wonder how it got there, after the East Indies fell. Nice work!

  2. Nice job on those exhausts, Allan.

  3. Very nice Alan.

  4. Very nice Alan! I looked for the float version of this kit, but haven't found one yet. Your additions really smartened up the kit.

    • Thanks Greg, this is the float version ! three options, PT20-U.S.Army 1941, STM-RAAF 1942 and STM S2-N.E.I.Army 1940, this kit seems to have been discontinued.

  5. Looks cool in camo. Nice work.

  6. Very accurate and clean build, Allan. Congratulations!

  7. Very nice Allen! I never know any of those made it Australia.

  8. Absolutely beautiful!

  9. Looks like the real thing was a bit draughty, but the model has turned out well.

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