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Greg Kittinger
126 articles

Thank you iModeler! Lucky draw prize arrived!

April 25, 2017 · in Uncategorized · · 21 · 1.4K

My first new-tool kit arrived today, as the random draw award for March. I'm going to have to modify my 2017 build plan to slip this one in, as I'm eager to tackle my first Airfix new-tool kit! Thanks again iModeler for a great site and created a great modeling community.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

21 responses

  1. Great news! Enjoy.

  2. Congratulations Greg !

  3. Congrats, Greg...that gonna be small enough to put on one of your usual home made display stands - gear up ? 🙂

    • Of course! Did you see the Be-6 Madge (in my blog)? I use a bit of a different technique for larger aircraft, but twin-engine medium's are no big deal - 'bout the same as a modern jet.

  4. A great choice Greg, Look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  5. Congrats, Greg. It surely is an amazing kit that builds into a very nice model of the Do 17. Can't wait to see the end result!

  6. Well done, Greg, "locate and cement", or have they updated their instructions as well?

  7. A great pick sir! good luck with it.

  8. Congratulations Greg ! Nice choice too. The Do-17 really looks great and I am surprised that more of them aren't built. I'm sure that you will have fun with this one.

  9. Great stuff, Greg! That is a nice kit!

  10. Congrats Greg, great kit. I am yet still to get any of the new Airfix kits. Looking forward to seeing this built up.

  11. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    A very good model as well as historical. Congratulations on this prize.
    You have delighted us before with your models, I know this one will be no exception, looking forward to it.

  12. Congrats Greg - they say its a good one!

  13. Congrads Greg, looks like a whole lot of fun this year.

  14. Congrats, Greg.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  15. Wait a minute, Greg. You have a '2017 build plan'?

    Oh, I like the sound of that. I need to get more organised.

  16. Well deserved Greg. I look forward to the finished product.
    A build plan? I must discuss it with the household authorities. For the most part I just try to fit in with my model group's 'theme' schedule but that doesn't always work as Airfix keep announcing all these new models...

  17. Congratulations Greg! The last model I built before our house move (July 2016!) was the Airfix Dornier and its a great little kit despite some fiddly details in the cockpit area - enjoy the build!

  18. Congratulations ! A good choice !

  19. Congratulations Greg! Feeling the love of all these people wishing you well!

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