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david leigh-smith
283 articles

Idea for Group Build ‘Scene or Subject from your Favourite War Movie’

May 28, 2017 · in Uncategorized · 10 · 2.1K

Just think about the possibilities; a Group Build that crosses every genre; aircraft, armour, figures, ships, sci-fi, diorama. The creative license is almost endless and bound only by our love of modeling, passion for movies (I am pretty sure every modeler reading this is already thinking, "mmm, maybe that scene from..."), and imagination.
Regardless of doing a Group Build or not, I'd be really interested in what scenes, vehicles or weapons you'd like to 'immortalise' in plastic.

I know when I spent so much of my early days making making models, one of my next favourite things was watching planes, battleships, tanks, and huge battles on the big (and small) screen. Programmes like MASH were an integral part of my childhood and I remember clearly making a very poor, unpainted, glue covered Bell 47 around 10 years old that made me feel proud despite the end result. Maybe it's a personal thing but when I was having a tough time in those childhood days, Klinger, Trapper, Radar, et al were a replacement family, and watching movies like 'The Battle of Britain' were a real eascape to a clearer and more 'honourable' world for me.

I think it's a great and noble achievement (maybe lapsing into drama queen territory here) to capture a cherished set piece from a beloved film, or to immortalise your favourite piece of celluloid history - and have it on your shelf. A model that doesn't just reflect a piece of history but makes you smile.

Personally, I'd give serious thought to the Tiger/Sherman face off in 'Kelly's Heroes'. For me, the humour, tension, history, and vehicles just resonnate. Those characters stay with me still.

But you could go old school...

Or really old school...

Or more contemporary...

Or if your tastes are small screen...

I think there's something in this idea for every modeler and it's nice to work on a project sometimes rather than a 'build'. I've had so much inspiration from iModelers; there must be a mother lode of ideas out there and it'd be great just to hear some.

The cheesier the better...

Anyway, just a thought. I think the idea has some legs and could run. Any thoughts would be great. I might even get on eBay and find an old Bell helicopter and do her justice this time...

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10 responses

  1. Sounds like a great idea for a group build...opens up just about any possibility for practically any subject you'd care to model. Let your imagination run wild and post almost anything (as long it was at least IN a movie). Don't see how anyone could pass it up really. Run with it...!

  2. Good thought David many ideas can come from these movies,may be showing my age think I have seen all these movies,do like the Fall of the Roman Empire,at least he gets the girl kissy kissy xx,and Black Hawk Down I wore the DVD out watched it so many times,I got to say it had to be good it had an Aussie in it,all be it he had a lousy accent HA HA!

  3. Verry interesting concept.

  4. I think so, too. The general idea would be to make something that triggers a memory or feeling and share that with the community.
    I think I'll go with the Kelly's Hero build idea, regardless. Lots of fun.
    Cheers, Robert.

  5. I like it. Thinking outside of the box so they say. Sounds like a very interesting idea.

  6. Hi Louis. Always great to hear from you. I think it is an interesting idea, but then I'm a huge movie buff; never really thought of marrying my two main hobbies before now.
    Hope you had a great Memorial weekend.

  7. That is an interesting idea with a lot of options. Would be great to see what ideas will show up for this. Would be great fun to take part.

  8. Fun is the right word, Ferry. Although some of the ideas I have been having are a bit grim (Wardaddy's M4 surrounded by dead SS troops?).

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