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Carl Christensen
48 articles

Casualty Evacuation

June 18, 2017 · in Diorama · · 10 · 2K

My last post was a French Armoured carrier UE done in German markings, and again ive converted a 2nd one into captured German markings for a field ambulance. Its a great simple wee kit that is very versatile. The figures are a mix of , and kits.

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3  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Neat little diorama, Carl - I like it. Especially nice job on the figures (which I'm terrible at painting). Kudos to ya, my friend. 🙂

  2. Very nice Carl, I've got the masterbox kit in my stash too and think about placing it in an early war setting. Very inspiring presentation and happy to see some more armor here! Cheers, Michel.

  3. Excellent presentation and build Carl,the balance between the figures and vehicle is spot on and always having a vehicle come right to the edge of the dio gives a good perspective,the balance of the stretcher bearers being almost the same size of your vehicle is a true work of an Artist who knows his work,The MasterBox has a great depth of figures,I have used them on many occasions,I so enjoyed looking at this Very Well Done,just another one of your fine works,Thanks for sharing.Cheers.

  4. Thanks for your kind words. I have limited space to display my models so my dioramas have to be quite small and tight

  5. Excellent Carl - love the action captured by the dio.

  6. You have built another winner Carl ! I really like this one. Two thumbs up Sir !

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