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Predrag Ivanovic
26 articles

Airfix 1/48 Hawker hurricane -D. Bader

July 16, 2017 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.3K
Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Nicely finished, my friend...the Hurricane doesn't get all the "press" that the Spitfire enjoys.

  2. Predrag,

    British cameo can be a hit or miss. Did you pre-shade the kit with black on the panel lines and then paint on the varying shades of greens and browns for the top side? Or did you primer the kit and then spray various shades of greens and browns on the top side? How about the wing roundels are they painted? It all comes together and makes for a interesting Hurricane build of Bader's bus.

  3. Nice looking Hurricane !

  4. Predrag, you've made a great Hurricane!

    As Craig said, the Hurricane doesn't get all the "press" of the other outstanding BOB (Battle Of Britain) airplane; the wonderful Spitfire. However, the Hurricane did it's share & you doing Sir Douglas Bader's mount is an excellent choice.

    Great job!

  5. I simply love the Hurricane, and you did a great job. And I agree with Craig: it is an under-appreciated plane in light of the Spitfire legend. The Spitfires were the dogfighters, but the Hurricanes shot down the lion's share of the bombers. A real workhorse and yours is very nice.

  6. Very very nice " Hurry " I had never seen all those upper wing details so well hilighted

  7. Nicely done Hurricane!

  8. Great job on the Hurri!

  9. Well done, love the weathering

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