Bf109E-3 from 4. /JG 77

July 10, 2017 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.3K

Bf109 E-3, from 4. /JG 77 (II. Gruppe) September 1940, Fornebu, Norway.
JG 77, nicknamed "Ace of hearts", took part on every German front during the war and also in operation Weserübung, the invasion of Norway.

The kit is 1/72, (Warbird collection). The kit is fairly easy and a quick build.
Colours used, Humbrol no 65, 240 and 242.

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12  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Lovely build, nicely weathered with some very interesting background props!

    • Thank you!
      The background props are some of my very tiny WW2 collection, which include one Soldenbuch, two German medals, 5 field dressings, a German field phone and some barbed wire from a German fortification in Norway.

      • Johan, I've never seen a Luftwaffe Soldbuch before this! That's a nice collection of WW II items.It's continually amazing to me that items from then have survived 'til now. I work in the archives of a local museum part time, and it's amazing what walks in the door. Sometimes, it's us or the dumpster. Good luck with your collection, and thanks for sharing what you have.

        • If you want, I can send you pictures of the whole Soldbuch?
          I have bought most of my items from a local dealer (serious and professional), I check his page from time to time and he keeps getting "new" stuff all the time. But it is a costly hobby.

  2. Johan - It's a long time ago that my eyesight and clumsy fingers allowed me to consider building 1/72 a/c. My last one was probably around 1964. Yours looks great though so congratulations. Most of my BoB era models tend to be at least 1/48 scale or bigger where my limitations are less of a problem. Well done! - Paul

    • Thank you! I'm thinking aboutstepping up to 1/48, but I still got a few 1/72 kits in my stash. When I build my first 1/35 tank I felt that a bigger scale gave me more room. And after completing a He111 in 1/72, that notion grew even stronger.

  3. Excellent build and presentation, sir...even more so in that small scale. Well done.

  4. Very nice indeed Johan - the 'high' splinter scheme's suit the emil very well I think

  5. Gotta love the ME-109E! Angular, compared to the later versions, but it has a certain something. (my opinion, the 109F is the more refined version)
    Yours looks the part. Good old Humbrol 65! Can't be beat. A man could just do ME variations, given the range of color schemes and markings.

    • Thanks 🙂
      Yes, there are plenty of options. I've got three more 109s )G-series that is) planned, all very different. For this one, being first 109, I wanted it to be clean one...and obviously since I'm doing a "Luftwaffe in Norway" theme, this had to be it.
      And I do love my Humbrol enamels, that's part of my childhood as much as my old Spider-man comics, hehe 🙂

  6. Looks great! I still haven't figured out why people complain about 1/72 being "small" for poor eyesight and feeble fingers. When you look at the kinds of detail people tend to put into larger scale cockpits, wheel bays and access hatches, it doesn't ring true! The advantage to me of 1/72 is being able to put that kind of detail into exterior look and weathering, AND have more room to hold my objective of building at least one of everything of interest! (ok - probably never get there, but I can dream...!)

    • Thanks, Greg 🙂 I just did a cockpit with PE parts for a 1/72 FW190...After two previous tries, I thought to myself what's the point? No one will ever see that cockpit anyway, but then I decided to do it again, and glad I did. I have no fear of small parts anymore. But keeping ones calm while doing them, that's the challenge. As you say, putting the detail into the exterior look and the weathering in a 1/72 scale is an advantage. The challenge for me was not to overdo it, but I feel I've learned some

  7. Profile Photo
    said on July 11, 2017

    Nice work Johan.

  8. Nicely done, sir.

  9. VERY well made, Johan! Displaying it with the Soldbuch and other period things was also a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thanks you guys for all the feedback:) Much appreciated!

  11. This is a great looking 109. I really like how you displayed the back ground items too. Nice collection. I have built the same kit by Tamiya but it's the larger 1/48 version. It has the same markings too. I thought the flying skeleton on the side of the plane was cool...Thanks for sharing this with us. I like it !

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