Cincinnati Model Contest & Swap Meet
The Cincinnati Scale Modelers Club, a US IPMS Club, held their 2017 Annual Contest and Swap Meet in Cincinnati today. There were 365 entries from 73 modeler on display. Here are some of the contestants works that caught my eye. And the last pic is a cheap plug for the 1/48 Hasegawa P-39Q that won a gold metal for me. And Marvin, maybe you can figure out how the rotate some of the pics, they start upright in my computer but rotate when uploaded. Enjoy the view as I certainly did. And by the way that Fieseler Storch is 1/72 scale.
Some pretty smart models on display there, Tom, thanks for sharing.
Is that P-39 really yours, Tom?
Guilty as charged. I'm doing a series of Tuskegee Airman aircraft and this is number 2, a P-39Q with the 100th Fighter Squadron in Capodi-chino, Italy, in 1944. Working now on a P-47D flown by 2Lt Lloyd Hathcock with the 301st FS.
Some good stuff goin' on there, Tom...thanks for sharing the pics (upright or not).
Good stuff for sure ! The M-113 brings back many memories for me. I have spent some time in and around those. They were a blast to drive... much faster than our tanks we had at that time.
Very nice Tom, Ohio rules!
Thanks for sharing
Some nice models of all kinds there. Thanks for sharing.
Interesting group. Interesting too the way we see certain models/types with a shared popularity at shows worldwide.
Thanks for sharing your photos, Tom. Looks like plenty of great models to see.
Congrats on the win!
Thank you for sharing the photos. Fantastic models on show. Congratulations with the P-39.