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Tomáš Pelej
22 articles

F-16C Block 50 “Mig Killer”, Tamiya 1/32 + Logan tow tractor, Aerobonus 1/32

October 16, 2017 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.1K

This machine shot down on May 4, 1999 Serbian Mig-29 over Kosovo during Operation Allied Force.

The kit is complemented by Aires nozzle, cables in the lead worm shafts, and I added a Logan tow tractor by (Aires)

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Lovely work. Great presentation.

  2. Now that right there is one sweet lookin' build, my friend...a really nice job with excellent photos as well.

  3. Nice clean build mate and an immaculate paint job, it's a great kit and you have done it justice!
    Really cool weathering on the tractor as well!

  4. Another beauty - you're shading and weathering give it great visual interest. Well done!

  5. Thanks for the positive comments

  6. One great build!

  7. Wow, you've really got the right touch with these jets, and the tow tractor is a real bonue.

  8. Very nice 🙂


  9. Great, too much preshading though, imo

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