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Vedran Kovačić
8 articles

Ki-84 Hayate

October 31, 2017 · in Aviation · 23 · 2K

Hi, using this as a kind of introduction, few pictures of my recent build, i am one very lazy modeller so i won´t be posting much. For now i just want to explore how this all works and questions will come later, cheers.

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11  Awesome

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23 responses

  1. Lovely 'Frank' - the surface detailing is terrific. Is this the Tamiya 1/48 (which I've heard said is actually 1/50 scale)?

    • It´s Hasegawa 1/72 from the early nineties, older issue, been waiting for a while on shelf of doom, hah, i mostly build 1/72 models, and mostly WW2 airplanes, some jet may come from time to time.

  2. Nicely done! and welcome to the site.

  3. Great "Frank." Welcome! We lazy, slow modelers have to stick together!

  4. Allow me to add my welcome as well, sir...and a nice "introductory" build, too. 🙂

  5. Jeffry, are you saying there's an alternative to lazy and slow?

  6. Nice. The old Tamiya kit? Welcome.

    • And there is Tom C.
      Id like to share just how much I'm engrossed in Tom's latest book, 'Pacific Thunder'. For anyone interested in the Pacific Theatre it's a detailed and inspired insight into the politics, strategies, mechanics, and personal stories of that dreadful war. As a devotee of the carrier campaigns from Santa Cruz through Leyte Gulf, it is a hugely engrossing and fascinating read.
      Thanks, Tom.

  7. Welcome and a nice looking aircraft

  8. Vedran, nicely done! Nice, clean build. The kit was a revelation when it came out, and remains so to me. During what I call the Japanese Invasion. Suddenly, there were airplane kits that weren't Zeros. Who knew? Oh, yeah!

  9. Looks great Vedran. The Frank is one of my favourite Japanese fighters of WW II. Welcome to an awesome site!

  10. Thank you all for such a warm wellcome.

  11. Your Frank looks like the result of a careful and slow build, in other words, it looks great. Welcome to iModeler.

  12. Welcome Vedran! That turned out a treat!

  13. Very nice indeed. Welcome aboard. I was searching for information on a Ki-84 when I stumbled across this website a little over a year ago. I joined then and have had a great time every since.

    Thanks for sharing your build with us.

  14. Welcome Vedran! Nicely done model.

  15. Looks good Vedran, welcome !

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