London Gunbus (Post-Apocalypse Time War)
This concept project uses as its base kit Revell's 1/24 scale London Routemaster. It's had a bit of surgery, to accept the various clock/watch parts, and I've added numerous other details.
The pilot figure is ex Vintage Fighter Series, also 1/24, and I found belts and shoulder harness in spares so decided to use them as well. The armament is upcycled from an old Airfix 1/24 Hawker Hurricane Mk 1 set of Brownings, with added details.
Colours are Revell SM 331 enamel, AK Interactive Extreme Metals (Bronze and Steel), and various Alclad 2 lacquers - Transparent Blue and Purple, Pale Burnt Metal, Gunmetal, Copper and other similar.
It's no longer Civilian, but neither is it Aircraft exactly. I've opted for Sci-fi, as you're unlikely to meet up with it anywhere else.
Very difficult to photograph, so apologies in advance.
Extremely cool, Rob.
Can't help thinking of Mad Max, The Walking Dead and Book of Eli.
Yes that’s the vibe.
Love it! Very Steampunkish! Very cool!
Rob, very well thought out and some excellent / creative construction, I like it a lot. Well done !
And v heavy. Something like three complete clock works involved and the ‘machinery’ on the upper deck is made from pendulums (lead filled). Still need to work out how to store/move it. Thanks for comment.
Extremely creative!
Thanks, Robert.
I never saw something like this. all of your work is remarkable but this is pure creation Rob!
Thanks, Hongseob.
You get my vote for "most creative variety of subjects!" Almost all your builds are just stuff that wouldn't be on my radar screen, and are all well thought out. No need to even mention the execution - they are all fabulous - as is this one!
Cheers, Greg.
That's really good Rob. Well done
Cheers for looking, Julian.
Wow! Very Steampunk!
As mentioned, your subjects are always wonderfully creative and excellently done. This one tells an interesting "story."
Yeah I thought the roundels gave it a bit of kudos. Can’t go wrong with the RAF!
Quite the imaginative build, Rob...and no apologies necessary for the photos, either.
Cheers, Craig.
Add a Flux Capacitor and it'd be perfect!
I knew there was something...
Well Rob, being a Londoner, and from 'North of the Water' I often rode the number 76 to my Grandmother's house in Stoke Newington! The old Routemaster never looked quite like this! I have to admit I had a complete 'double-take' when I saw it - it is brilliant. I don't know where the inspiration came from but it has really come to life, congratulations!
Thanks, Paul. You can’t fool a London boy.
I think it's time for you to move down the hall to that padded cell reserved in your name.
Very creative. "Out of the box"!
I know the voices aren’t real, but they come up with some great ideas...
Hi Rob, tickets please, all aboard for Whitby! Great work by the way.
As you can see I saved you a couple of seats...
Didn't know there was a Routemaster kit available, must be huge. Always liked the look of it. I still have my Matchbox no.5 diecast.
Been around about five years now. It’s a complex but well-engineered kit.
That's amazing Rob! That's the best model I've seen in a long time! The concept is really clever and the detail is remarkable!
I've always fancied doing something a bit 'post apocalyptic' just to use up some of my spares box, but I never would have thought of a bus. Really inspiring work mate!
Thanks, Richard.
Outstanding piece Rob. Ingenious!