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Brian Scott
79 articles

1/48 Tamiya A-1H Skyraider VA-152 Black Spades

November 2, 2017 · in Aviation · · 34 · 2.8K

Just finished her today. Painted with MRP paints. Wash and stains was the Mig products, Aeromaster decals . Enjoy

23032468_10213228656403851_8190913499029879158_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23132116_10213228659043917_5270530660252386666_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23131710_10213228659763935_5075797832862332574_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23130847_10213228655683833_6002132184870423579_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23130803_10213228659323924_5058993727383590441_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23130536_10213228657003866_3635716166522525160_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23032879_10213228658243897_6225755681506790135_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23032530_10213228656923864_792893742302619498_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23032422_10213228657803886_7964922138202965030_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

23031656_10213228659403926_2093894717223877021_n by Brian scott, on Flickr

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

34 responses

  1. You have too much ordnance on. Those big WW2 "fat" bombs are 2,000 pounders. The others are 250-lb bombs. You have a maximum of another 2,000 lbs (Skyraiders usually flew with a maximum of 3,500 so they had fuel to get to the target), so you are 500-1,000 lbs over max.

    The R-3350 throws a lot of oil. The heavy exhaust staining will look more accurate with a heavy (brush-applied) coat of Tamiya "Smoke" which should "drip" down the side.

    There's no way to make a Skyraider too dirty.

  2. Very neat work as usual, Brian. Presumably these planes were clean at some stage...

  3. Hi Brian. I like the streaking effect on the bottom of the fuselage. What did you use to get that effect? Well done Brian.

  4. Hey Brian love it, you can hang all kinds of ordnance under these Skyraiders including the kitchen sink, in fact even a toilet bowl. It is your project and it's loaded for bear. I like it. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Loaded for bear? Loaded for T-Rex!
    Mmmmmm...what an idea for a dio.

    Great build, Brian.

  6. Good job Brian ,I like it.

  7. Brian, this is a fine example of one of my favorite aircraft, and you've done a fine build on this. I might add I really like the markings/scheme !.

    By the way, Tamiya has that exact load on their instruction sheet. hmmmm.

    ...On a side note, a lot of us here have been T'd up one time or another, . please don't let any certain individuals get in the way of sharing , We share, we learn, we all become better model builders by seeing more and more models. I'd much rather have fun with my post and comments than hack anybody off by being a rivet counter !

  8. Hell, everyone's been Cleavered at some point, I think it might be some kind of iModeler rite of passage. Take it as a compliment.

  9. Can't beat those Tamiya Skyraiders...I've done a half-dozen or so myself. They're sweet kits to build, aren't they? Looks good to ME. 🙂

  10. Nice Neil, looks good to me.

  11. Sometimes I think of modeling as blood sport. On another forum a chap was using adjectives such as ludicrousness, hallucinogenic and the word Psychiatry popped up. Its hobby first. Hearts and minds are needed to participate. Brian, I like the paint job. The canopy and wind screen is sharp and crisp. The Navy gray and white painting is top notch and the whites our whitey tightey. The high lighting of the engraved panels lines make for a good build. As for the engine stains... I like to use pastels and experiment with the model. If things don't work out you can clean it off. I start with a black, then work with grays and some browns. Using a soft brush. If things work out I seal it with either hair spray or dullacote.. Two thumbs. Looking forward to seeing your next build.

  12. Hi Brian - great looking Skyraider. I also like the weathering and highlighting, especially underneath. Whatever products and techniques you are using to achieve that look is really great! I have noticed that it appears some of your gun and engine exhaust staining seems to end a bit more abruptly than looks natural, and that you are using an airbrush for that part. I think you might refine your technique by using pastels as mentioned above by Stephen, in order to achieve a more feathered look. Not a criticism at all, just a suggestion! (I'm always looking for tips for improvement, but am nervous about sharing as I don't want to be perceived as nit-picking or criticizing! In the end - it is your model, and I want to celebrate what you have accomplished!)

  13. Nice one Brian. I too like it loaded up. I am a great believer in build to please yourself. I build for fun if it aint totally accurate I dont care. Horses for courses we all have our loves and hates.

  14. Hey, it's a great build! You did leave the outer most racks empty,ha,ha.

  15. Great looking build ! I like it ... a lot...

  16. Brian,
    It's plastic.. It does not fly.. The wings will survive with the weight of the armament you have attached.. It looks great and like all the others I like it and you did a great job. I just finished two AD's but I hesitate to post them as they may be too clean. Of course this might fall into the category of WGAS...except of course...
    I was on BHR and saw many AD's and dirty or clean I loved them all. So there...

  17. A side note, those vintage WW2 bombs seen on navy birds in the early part of the Vietnam air war were ticking time bombs to the navy, The devastation during the Forrestal fire in 1967 off Vietnam, was enhanced by short 'cook off time' of these bombs in the fire .

  18. Here is a interesting VNAF SPAD with a interesting load out. Brian..

    • Stephan, I notice that with the VNAF, usually no fuel tanks. Early on, not a full load, either. A-1 loadouts are real variable. I'd like to hear from an ex-ordie as to what and how, sometime. Nice Black Aces aircraft!

      • Your correct but, I couldn't help but notices the type of bombs VNAF used. Brian got some of it right, The lack of tanks means that the a/c where not far from the front and where focus on dropping there loads and getting back for more.

  19. Hello Brian,
    Job well done.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

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