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Robert Royes
258 articles

CBI Colts

August 19, 2016 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.3K

First up the ancient P-51A, 'Jackie', India 1944 pilot J.J. England

Second, equally ancient P-51B, white 267,China 1945,pilot Tex Hill

I guess all the "Ds" were going to Europe then, I used superscale decal sheet 72-364 because it had the CBI selections, but the first decal fell apart, to save them I coated them with Testors decal bonder 9200, I've used it more than once and so far it's it works. See guys I do more than navy stuff.

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15 responses

  1. Two nice lookin' builds, Robert...those stands come with 'em?

  2. Nice set of Mustangs - and in the right scale!

  3. I admire anyone prepared to have a go at these ancient kits ,good work.

  4. Profile Photo
    said on August 19, 2016

    Nice. Why is it as I get older my kits seem to get larger.

  5. Bob, nice brace of Mustangs. The Monogram "B" despite it's age is still a good kit shapewise. Takes me back, it does, that was before the Army got me. I had hair!.
    I still have a Frog, which was the only one of the Allison Mustang for years.
    Good work on both.

  6. do you use the bonder

  7. It comes in a spray can, its intended use is home made decals. by the way if any one needs a Malcolm hood for the 'stang, it's available, it came with the monogram it. maybe it'll fit other kits.

  8. Robert, nice work here. Nice to see these markings.
    I was just having this conversation today with a fellow model buddy about early mustangs and why a new version of a "B" has not been released. Tamiya was suppose to do it when they started a down size of all their 1/48 scale's, but for some reason stopped. I would think their would be plenty of interest and marking choices to make it profitable, I'd buy a stack of em' !

  9. Good job on these old kits, Rob.

  10. Nice work Robert, always nice to see an allison engined mustang. The Monogram kit builds up well - great to see - must dig my one out

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