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Charles King
130 articles

Boom Haul

November 13, 2017 · in Automotive · · 20 · 1.8K

The tractor was a normal 6x4 Scania flatbed when I bought it. I modified it by removing the flatbed an adding a fifth wheel and some other details to make a tractor version. The trailer started as a container trailer or semi- trailer which I converted to a flatbed with some scratch building involved. The boom on the trailer itself was taken from a toy excavator. I modified the boom with parts, detailing it with hydraulics and such. The cradle was also scratch built in balsa wood.

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9  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Yet another amazing piece of modeling, Charles...and I don't need any WIP pics, either. You are the MAN..!
    Don't think I've ever seen such detail put into any dioramas like THIS puts forth..!

  2. Love these civilian setups. Great looking model(s).

  3. 1st impression. That's not a model. Darn railing gave it away.
    The painting,the grunge on the paint, the mud, and the dirt and grime all make the model look real world. Some strong work and a strong candidate for model of the month Charles. Looking forward to seeing your next build.

  4. WoW! You CAN NOT tell it's a model! Stunningly beautiful, Charles!

  5. Charles, you are a master of realism! I love the way that the models, the toy piece and the scratch built stuff all mesh perfectly. These photos would easily convince someone you were taking pics of the real thing and they trying to convince people you built them as models!

  6. Top class model. Hats off.

  7. Having seen this, and Charles' other models, live at the 08-Open in Stockholm, I can attest, that they are as convincing when you see them live, as they are on these photos. Welcome to imodeler Charles! Nice to see you here.

  8. Hello Charles,
    This goes for all your work. STUNNING.
    The finish is a very true example how to weather your models.
    Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

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