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Marek Halas
28 articles

Dragon 1/35 M4A1 DV Sherman Tank

November 23, 2017 · in Armor · · 18 · 4.7K

It could be said that there is a for everyone, with so many variations on the theme as the design developed over the course of WW2 and into the postwar period.

With so may to choose, both from manufacturers and their versions, one can't really be stuck for choice:

My contribution to this well trodden path is 's M4A1 DV.

Markings are for an example from the 66th Armoured Regiment,

2nd Armoured Division on Operation Husky, Sicilly 1943.

Can I say that I'm always intimidated by the part count on your average Dragon kit.

However, once you get cracking into the build you'll soon realise that almost half the plastic on the sprue trees will be relegated to the burgeoning spares box.

It is over-engineered in places, but as it's one of their recent releases the fit is perfect.

No filler was harmed in this build.

No aftermarket was used either.

It's all out of the box.

An enjoyable build, some crazy engineering...the articulated working suspension is of particular note.

It is a pity that with all those plastic parts no interior detail has been provided by Dragon.

Nevertheless if you're after a kerbside model of a Sherman this one comes recommended.

Surface detail is very fine. Decals are good quality.

Instructions are a bit naff, not helped by having the wrong ones in the box, so some downloaded jpeg's are used instead.

I did manage to stuff up one part and the eagle eyed & nitpickers amongst you will have already noticed the shovel on the rear engine deck is the wrong way round...So once again no cigar for me.

Tracks are a most welcome one piece moulding and makes a refreshing change from the billion part individual component set up they have on their previous offerings.

Tracks are nice quality and come up good under a coat of paint and some weathering.

Comments as always are most welcome, but in the meantime thanks for looking.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

18 responses

  1. You have built a very good looking Sherman. Right now I have two of them on the work bench. One is an Italeri kit of a later 76MM M-4A1 like yours but it has the later style VVS suspension that has the return roller mounted off center and the spring. This one also has a later style turret and two hatches. The other Sherman is the Tamiya M-4 "Early" that I'm building for the Kasserine Pass Group build.

    Just like you said there's a Sherman for everyone... and you captured the look really well. Two thumbs up Sir.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with Louis, my friend...and who's to say the shovel wasn't secured there in the same fashion by someone, sometime, somewhere - so it can't be "wrong". 🙂

  3. Marek, very nice, I like tanks especially when they are well done, like you've done here. Looks great to me !

  4. I ain’t no AFV expert, not even close, but your model looks brillliantly made, painted and weathered. Very realistic in my opinion.

    • Thank you Pedro, I'm only a relative newbie to Armour builds so I'm still at that experimenting with finishes stage and not sure if I have too much or too little weathering. Calling it done is still a bit arbitrary for me. It's as much to do with a looming self imposed deadline or I'm just plain tired of it & want to move on.

  5. Great Sherman, Marek! Beautifully built, painted, & weathered.


  6. Marek, nicely done and painted!

  7. A great-looking Sherman! Well done.

  8. You've finished your Sherman how I like to see model tanks, not too dirty, but just right, to my mind it looks very realistic.

    • Thanks George; it's always a tricky one, especially when I've done less than a handful of armour builds & knowing when to stop or keep going re.the weathering. Really glad you think it's about right.

  9. Have a cigar any way! Looks great!

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