28 articles · 2.9K karma · 27 friends · active 5 years, 4 months ago

A UK expatriate now settled in Australia & living in Brisbane's Northern Suburbs.
I mostly build 1/48 scale aircraft, though I am known to take diversionary strolls into the one true scale (1/72) & build the odd 1/35th AFV. I returned to the hobby back in the early nineties when a mate from work sold me some of his old kits. I went on to build intermittently (read once in a blue moon) and am now trying to make amends.

1/48 Trumpeter Supermarine Seafang F.Mk.32 "What-If"

You'd think Trumpeter's Seafang would be a shake n' bake kit, however there's always a fly in the ointment with so very many of Trumpy's kits and this one required a fair bit of cutting, shutting & "accurizing" (excuse the [...]

Leopard 2 A6

Tamiya's 1/35 Leopard 2 A6 rounds off my current crop of builds before the Christmas holidays. It's a Tamiya so this is very much an out of box build. Markings are for an example used by the 5th Company, 203rd Panzer Battalion of the [...]

1/48 Supermarine Spitfire F Mk.22

Eduard's Limited Edition re-pop of Airfix's Supermarine Spitfire F Mk.22 from the late 1990's. Markings are for a scheme included in the kit for a 1948 entry in the Cooper Trophy Air Race, from No.607 RauxAF County of Durham [...]

Airfix 1/72 Curtiss Tomahawk Mk.IIB

One of the recent "new tooling" Airfix's 1/72 starter sets, and relaxingly easy build it is! This is an out of box build that spanned two weekends but were truncated due to other project commitments & stretched across the [...]

Morko Morane

MPM's 1/48 Finnish Morko Morane of HLeLv 21 based in Rissala, Summer 1946. A real oddball this one, & some folks may already be doing a double take at this point, possibly thinking isn't that a Morane Saulnier MS 406? Well, yes it is [...]

Dragon 1/35 M4A1 DV Sherman Tank

It could be said that there is a Sherman for everyone, with so many variations on the theme as the design developed over the course of WW2 and into the postwar period. With so may to choose, both from manufacturers and their versions, one [...]

Titus Oates’s Aussie ‘Stang

Tamiya's 1/48 P-51D Mustang finished as an Australian CAC CA18 Mustang 21. Firstly though, a little bit of history I managed to glean about the plane, (& apologies in advance for any errors & omissions on my part): The scheme is [...]

His Majesty’s Land Ship

More popularly known as the tank, the name that stuck rather than HMLS, this is the 1/76 Airfix World War One Tank Mk.1; and a suitable subject methinks for a post this Armistice day (11th November 2017) . Yet another old kit from a [...]

Tamiya’s 1/35 Leopard1 A1

Tamiya's very ancient & venerable Leopard1 A1 completed in February 2017. Though not a patch in terms of detail & perhaps accuracy compared to today's kits (I'm thinking of the Revell offering) - it does to my eye still look like [...]

Eduard’s 1/48 FAA Hellcat Mk.II

Eduard's Weekend Edition Grumman Hellcat Mk.II finished in the markings of No.1844 Squadron FAA, based on the aircraft carrier HMS Indomitable stationed off Okinawa around April 1945 & piloted by Sub Lt. W.M.C. Foster. Completed back [...]