Gibson Les Paul /1:10 scratchbuild/

November 3, 2017 · in Uncategorized · · 20 · 1.8K


This time I'd like to present model that perhaps to be quite unusual. Planes, tanks and other automotives seem to be most popular objects of scale modeling. Guitar model could seems not interesting for everyone. But those who enjoy sounds of rock'n roll gonna like it. Les Paul is a type that is still in production since 1952. It can be said that during this time, that guitar was used to write history of rock culture. Las Paul has been played by many of best guitarists like Roy Orbison, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin, Keith Richards from Rolling Stones, Marc Boland from T.Rex and of course Slash from Guns n Roses. Built model shows left handed variant that is used by Paul McCartney. Why this one? I built this one as a gift for my girlfriend with whom we saw the McCartney's gig.

Model is built completly from scratch on the basis of bule prints avaible at web.
As meterials for construction used were polistyren sheets, medical needels, fishing lines ant other seemingly unnecessary stuff. For presentatnion real guitar needs a stand.
I also built one for my model, soldered from copper rods. To store this delicacy, I built from balsa a little case.

Hope you gonna like it 😉
Keep rockin'

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20 responses

  1. I like the book matched top with tiger stripes and the subtle sunburst pattern. This looks like it might be a fun and affordable to have a guitar (or bass in my case) collection! Maybe I'll have a go at replicating my Steinberger! (Incidentally also played by a lefty! Gerald Casale from Devo rocked a Steinberger pointed stage right. One lady called me out on it this Halloween as I play right handed!)

  2. This is such an unusual build, and so very cool at the same time, who builds a scratch built guitar, so cool, well done. Now play us a tune. Great job.

  3. Bartek, I have to admit this is very cool, this would look great on anybody's shelf or desk. I'm glad you showed some other objects next to it so we could get the scale, otherwise I was thinking it was an exact replica. Well done !

  4. Very nice build, Bartek.

  5. Now I would love to see a 55 Fender Bass. A friend had one, and of all things he was left handed. Well done I actually love it. Thanks for sharing this with us. A real change of pace.

  6. This is a lovely project (despite the lack of a propeller?). My life changed after seeing Jimmy Page in the Song Remains the Same playing that Number 1 Les Paul. I've played and owned more guitars than I can possibly recall, but I'll always have a Les Paul.
    Thanks for this, Bartek. Made me smile!

    • Hi Dave. I thought that You will like it, after I saw Your guitar stuff at picture. Led Zeppelin also made a lot to me. I was lucky to start listening them very early due to long plays collection at home.

  7. Great work, Bartek, how about a Marshall stack to go with it?

  8. Outstanding work Bartek. Great change of pace and a delight to view, thanks for posting.

  9. Quite the unique entry there, my of it only worked! 🙂

  10. Thank You guys for all kind coments! 🙂

  11. A sunburst Les Paul has always been the guitar I wanted (my wife would probably say if I sold my model stash, I could have one...)! Very nice!

  12. Oh, now there's a killer...the model stash or a Gibson Les Paul?

  13. Sharp Ol' Man ! SHARP ! (now we need a Marshall stack)

  14. Beautiful! You ROCK, Bartek!

  15. That's awesome! Very different but I like it! They are my favourite guitar, I have a couple of custom shop les pauls at home.

  16. Wonderful work Bartek - love the case also.
    Great choice of subject - any plans for another guitar?

  17. That is awesome! I built a full scale replica cherry burst les paul from a kit. Love it!

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