A year in review - 2017
Hi everyone!
As I build mostly in 1:72 and sometimes OOB, I've had quite a good output in the previous years, not falling below 1 model per month. Well, 2017 proved to be slightly different.
I've started my approach procedural air traffic controller training in December last year, which ended in April. In the meantime, I've been taking care of my wife who was carrying our little baby to this world and in early August I finally became a proud dad. And as this was not enough, I was working on another 1:1 project - building up a new apartment almost from scratch with a deadline before baby's birth. Fatherhood also takes up some time as a lot of you probably know and here I am - with a mere 3 model year.
First finished was HobbyBoss 1:72(ish) Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA, with which I wanted to make my life miserable and went to correct many errors of the kit and modifying it to the current 5th prototype configuration. The second one was Eduard's 1:48 MiG-21, made as a commission build for a friend, who did me quite a lot of favors in this past year. And last but not least, Modelsvit's 1:72 Sukhoi Su-17M3 - excellent model of this iconic ground pounder in exotic markings of Azerbaijani Air Force, which you could admire a few weeks ago.
Hope that 2018 will be more peaceful for me and a little more productive - modelling wise
I hope the Gods will bless you and happy Yuletide to everyone!
Sebastijan, lovely selection of WarPac iron! Love that Sukhoi, one I'd never see in those markings or color scheme. Well done! Greetings of the Season, and a prosperous and Happy New Year!
Thank you, Bernard and wish you the same!
Nicely done Sebastijan, merry Christmas.
Thank you, Allan! All the best to you!
Beautiful builds, one and all...(and to all a good night) - Merry Christmas.
Thank you, Craig! Happy holidays to you, too!
Great looking builds Sebastijan. Amazed you managed three. All the best.
Thank you, Anthony! Yeah, reflecting back on the achievements of this year, I am very happy with the result! All the best to you, too.
I know the feeling Sebastijan - 6 kids (2 still at home) and 7 grandkids later, it is sometimes tough to find time between the "honey do" lists and kid-driven events to sniff a little glue! Nice work though - I remember them all.
Thank you, Greg! Not there yet, but I know the little girl will "interfere" with my modelling more and more with time, but I enjoy every bit of it.
Nice clean builds and neat paint jobs.
Hat off!
Thank you, Ulf!
Beautifully done, Sebastijan!
First, congratulations on your new baby! There's no better job than taking care of your kids and family. You can now pass on your multitude of modelling skills to your child, and you have MANY great talents to pass on, as can be seen by your beautiful replicas..
Second ... or last - but certainly not least, Merry Christmas to you and yours and have a very happy and prosperous New Year!
Thank you, Jeff! We'll see if she'll show any interest in daddy's hobby, but I at least hope, I'll spark interest with the elements of it like being accurate, painting and being resourceful.
Happy holidays to you and your family as well!
Very nice Sebastijan and congrats to mum and dad to the newborn daughter! I'm sure next year will bring more time, remember young childrens' love to their parents is unconditional and a great wonder of life worth enjoying full degree.
Thank you, Michel! Those feelings, when I send her an "air-kiss" from a distance and she immediately rewards me with a joyous smile are indescribable! So yeah, I've decided to go with the flow and even more enjoy the life as it is - even if it means a few less models completed.
Congrats on the new family addition, and wishing you all a joyous and prosperous New Year.
Merry Christmas and thanks for sharing these works of art with us. I really enjoyed looking at them.
Thank you, Louis! Wish you and your family all the best!
Sounds to me like you had a fantastic year, Sebastijan, many congratulations on all of your achievements.
Thank you very much, George! All the best to you and your family!