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Thomas Probert
59 articles

Airfix 1/24th scale Hawker Hurricane MkIc

December 3, 2017 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.7K

This is very likely to be my last completed model for 2017 - I've been working on it on and off since August and it crossed the finish line this week.

I picked up this classic from at a model show for a mere £20, and set about building it for a bit of nostalgia and a love for one of WWII's unsung heroes (the Spitfire seems to get all the glory!)

I built it more or less out of the box, but did use SAC metal undercarriage legs, an Eduard seatbelt set and aftermarket decals from Techmod. A bit of extra piping was added to the engine, but other than that it's as it comes.

It fitted together pretty well - at least better than I was expecting for such an old kit. The wing roots were a little tricky and there was plenty of filler needed here - Archer rivets to the rescue to replace those lost in the filling and sanding process. The worst fitting parts were probably the landing light covers and these took a lot of careful trimming to get them flush with the leading edge. Some of the detail is a little clunky and not up to today's standards, but the surface detail is streets ahead of the Trumpeter offering, with beautiful raised rivets and lovely fabric effect on the rear of the fuselage.

Paints were from the Xtracolour enamel range, with the flat cote from Humbrol. The decals came from Techmod and represent a Hurricane Ic flown by 306 (Polish) Squadron from RAF Ternhill during November 1940.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Must be a pretty good sized kit in that scale, Thomas...sure looks nice. 🙂

  2. You did a fine job with this one ! I like it... a lot.

  3. Lovely clean build,like it was straight out of the factory,great work Thomas.

  4. I always like a good Hurricane, and this is definitely a good one.

  5. Great Hurricane, Thomas. The details look great!

  6. Lovely build. All the old 1/24 Airfix moulds deserve a bit of careful love even if they take up too much room on the shelf once built. Any idea what a Mark 1C was? Beats me. I thought these suffixes only applied to later models where they'd played around with the armament packages.

  7. Nicely done Thomas, turned out very well for an old kit.

  8. Good clean lines and quality scale. Always preferred Hurricane to Spitfire for some reason, probably because it was always punching above its weight.

  9. Real nice! I remember when Airfix came out with the 1/24 kits, boy do I feel old.

  10. Very clean build! Looks nice.

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