Another Tamiya P-51D
The 353rd Fighter Group hasn't gotten a lot of love from the decal makers. This is Group Commander Glenn Duncan's "Dove of Peace X." Duncan was shot down over Holland in "Dove of Peace IX", a P-47D, in the fall of 1944 and was hidden by the Resistance. He made contact with Allied forces in February 1945 and returned to the group, where he resumed command, flying this P-51D till the end of the war. The 353rd was the fourth 8th AF fighter group to go operational in August 1943.
As usual, True Details cockpit and Falcon canopy.
Well up to your usual standards, these Mustangs are great models.
Exactly what I thought when I saw your pic, TC - "...another Tamiya P-51D..." (not that I mind, of course).
LOL, Another P-51D. No such problem! Looks great and I can only hope my Airfix P-51D comes out as nice!
Take your time (a whole 5 hours maybe if you're slow) and you should have it together without filler.
Well done, Tom. There are NEVER too many P-51s.
True dat!
Another nice Mustang Tom!
Duncan was shot down over Holland in “Dove of Peace IX”, a P-47D, in the fall of 1944 and was hidden by the Resistance. He made contact with Allied forces in February 1944 and returned to the group.
Trying to follow the sequence here, Tom. Did you mean he made contact with Allied forces in February of '45? That would fit your order of events better, and also make sense given that (so late in the war) the policy of reassigning pilots who had been helped by the Resistance to other theaters or non-combat duties to avoid compromising those forces.
Great craftsmanship, as usual.
Old Fumble Fingers strikes again. Yes, February 1945.