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Josef Rössner
69 articles

F-7F 3 Tigercat 1/48 Italeri

December 19, 2017 · in Aviation · · 29 · 3.5K

My last kit F-7F 3 from U.S.M.C., MAG-33, Phoang, Korea, 1953

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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29 responses

  1. Hello Josef,
    Excellent replica of this powerful aircraft. The wheels are well manufactured by Italeri. Have to dig in to this type some more today on the internet.
    It is not such a well known aircraft. Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  2. Thank you, Italeri do only new box and decals, this is AMT/ERTL good job. Josef 🙂

  3. This is a beautiful rendition of a great, but under-appreciated aircraft. I've admired the Tigercat since the 1st time I saw a picture of one over 40 years ago! Personally, I think this is the coolest twin engined aircraft ever made. It belongs in the top "twins," category with the likes of the Mosquito, P-38, and a few others.

    • Hi, usually i build jet planes, but after building this, i fall in love with twin propellers aircrafts. 🙂 Now i build A-20 Havoc and buyed Ac-47 Gunship, B-25 Mitchell and Lockheed Ventura 🙂

  4. I love the paint finish on this Josef, very well done.

  5. Very well done, Josef...excellent detail work (I like the bands on the prop hubs & rockets, for example). Looking forward to your 2018 builds.

  6. Excellent build of a sleek aircraft! I would also have to say that twin engine props are one of my favorite subject - love the ones you decided to pick up and am looking forward to seeing them built up!

  7. A beautiful build, of a beautiful aircraft!

  8. The F7F doesn't get the attention of the others such as the Hellcat or the Bearcats. Too bad since it's such a sleek looking plane. You did a great job with this one. I really like it.

  9. You really want to consider getting new wheels because the separate rubber tires will melt the plastic within six months.

    Nice model, but you need to heed the warning.

  10. Josef, A big "well done", form me !
    One of my favorite airplanes, especially when its done this well !

  11. Nice build Joseph love the Tigercat. Nice detail and subtle weathering on an aircraft operating in a harsh environment. Amazing how large the Tigercat is compared to other twin engine fighters. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Wonderful build! It's a great looking aircraft and you did a great job! I got the same kit still in my stash, just one of my favorites.

  13. Nicely done Josef, well done indeed.

  14. I like your tigercat nice build. My favourite twin is the mossie though.

  15. Great model of a beautiful airplane!

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