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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Kitbashed ICM TF-51D Mustang

December 5, 2017 · in Aviation · · 3 · 1.8K

The TF-51D was created by North American when the venerable Mustang was being given to smaller air forces whose pilots were thought to not be experienced enough to deal with the high-powered F-51D, North American built two prototypes, and another eight production models built from existing P-51D airframes. A few of them did get to various South and Central American air forces where they saw limited use. In the past 20 years several other P-51Ds have been converted as trainers to bring civil warbird owners up to qualification for a P-51D type rating.

The Falcon Mustang Special canopy set I obtained back in 2004 included the TF-51D canopy, and I was immediately interested in the possibility of a conversion. I used the ICM " clone" P-51D, which is about half the price of the Tamiya original, and some Tamiy kit cockpits left over from when I installed True Details cockpits in other models.

The model represents the first TF-51D prototype built by North American in 1953. I've included some "in progress" shots that explain what has to be done for the conversion.

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4  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

3 responses

  1. I'd like one of those, but don't think I have the expertise to pull it off. 🙁

  2. Very nice, Mr. C.

  3. A well-executed conversion.

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