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Rob Anderson
200 articles

Ikea workbench hack

February 15, 2022 · in Uncategorized · 12 · 1.7K

So many of you may know about Ikea "Hacks". This is where you take an Ikea item and modify, embellish or re-purpose it. My wife and I were in looking for a home office desk for her new job, when I saw this "Klamemmacka" craft caddy. I have been trying to organize my bench for years and have build a couple of items, and re-purposed a few others. When I saw this I thought, "man I could use that for my paints. Once i got it home and assembled I also realized I could take the inserts out of my airbrush boxes and put them in the lower section. I took one of the dividers that were designed for the upper levels, glued it in and voila! Then I stored my extra colors and a few other bottles on the other side. I Like it and have everything at hand without having to rummage through a drawer. or cabinet!

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10  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Great idea, Rob! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I typically trail the missus with my thoughts elsewhere while strolling through IKEA but with this, the tables will be turned. I LOVE paying non-hobbyist prices for items useful to the craft- thanks Rob!

  3. Very clever to use it modelling, Rob @robertandy

  4. That is a great idea. What are the dimensions of the box?

  5. from the website:

    @Robertandy - just noticed your Shellback cert, I hope the wogs shook with fear as you approached!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  6. Great idea, Rob.

  7. Looking good, Rob.

  8. Thanks for the tip.
    Organisation is vital!

  9. Very neat, but unfortunately I would need about 5 of those boxes and to top it off there's no way I could possible be that organized. I will go to the local store and check it out though. Thanks for posting it.

  10. Very clever. My entire studio desk is an Ikea hack lol.

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